Part 1

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Troy couldn't even remember anything, what even happened last night? He remembered checking into their hotel room with his fiends Jake and Noah before going out in the town that night, it was all of theirs first time going to Las Vegas. He woke up with a pounding headache, his parents will kill him if they knew he was out drinking to late, or drinking at all, as soon as he lifted his body up from the bed something hit him, a faint memory from last night.

"No way"

He looked around the room he was in, and it wasn't his hotel room, just one king size bed in the middle, he couldn't remember how he got inside this apartment. As Troy laid back down he felt something moved next to him and he nearly screamed.

"Morning babe" the other male who was next to him greeted "did you have a goodnight sleep?"

"Who are you?" Troy exclaimed as he pulled the sheets up onto his bare chest, the male just gave him a puzzled look "how did I get here?"

"You don't remember?" He questioned "I'm Orion we met at that club in town? You were there with four other people, we got drunk and confessed our love for each other and we came back to my apartment and you should know what happened next"

"Oh god We did it" his face went blank "O-Orion? did anything else happen last night?"

"We got married too, I can't remember much of it but I gave you my bracelet to remember me by and you straight up said it was easier just to get married, and we did" he told him "happy honeymoon"

"This can't be happening" Troy glanced over to his left hand, he saw the bracelet that Orion gave him and the gold wedding ring, again he screamed

"It's not that bad, I'm okay with you living here with me and my brother, you're actually quite hot if I can say so myself" he insured, "I'm a local so I can show you around, as our first outing as a married couple"

"Orion I can't stay here, I came with a group of friends all the way from the east coast, I'm only going to be here for another five days" he informed "maybe we can find a way to get ourselves divorced-"

"Trey I know we fucked up but-"

"It's Troy"

"I just need to think about what happened, you were also my first" he cooled

"Same, why don't we both get up, have a shower and take some meds and we can sort this out" Orion informed

He nodded "good idea"

"Your clothes are on the ground if you need them"


Troy made it back to his hotel room safely, Orion dropped him outside after they got something to eat and talked about what happened last night. As soon as he opened the door he was greeted by a worried but unimpressed Jake.

"Where the hell were you?!"Jake yelled as he walked over to his friend "All of us were worried about you, especially Emma"

"Sorry I just got-"

"Nearly black out drunk, you ran away with a man you just meet, we thought something bad happened to you, you don't just run off with randoms in the club" he cut him off "Troy I thought you knew better than this"

"But it was okay, I spent the night at his and he dropped me off here, he's a pretty nice guy"Troy cleared up

"So he didn't do anything to you" Jake raised his eyebrow

"I mean, we kinder fucked and got married but ya know normal things"

"WHAT? TROY ANDREW BORROWS DID YOU JUST SAY YOU MARRIED HIM?!?" He shouted, Troy just looked at him, no one ever uses his full name unless they are pissed at him,


"And I thought you were the mature one" Jake rolled his eyes before walking off

"Jake wait!, him and I were talking about getting this fixed up" Troy confirmed "I'm seeing him tonight again to work things out, just don't tell anyone?"

"Fine, just don't spend all night over there" he exclaimed "go get changed and we'll meet the others down stairs" Troy made his way over to his bedroom and crashed, as much as he wanted to go back to sleep he needed to see his friends and explain himself.

"So what did they say?" Orion questioned as he picked Troy up "anything bad?"

"I didn't tell them I was married" Troy confirmed "I just said we had a one night stand and that's it"

"Troy" he looked at him "we need to work out where our relationship stands, if we only see each other as friends or as you said a one night stand I'll look into it and we'll end it"

"Orion, I just need more time to think, maybe even some time time to get to know each other a bit more?" He suggested "like, maybe we could go on a date before going to your place or something"

"Maybe, my Brother is cooking dinner and he's really good so we could just do the date at my place?" He questioned "I mean if you want too"

"I'll love that" Troy smiled "question?"


"Who took who's last name?"

"You took mine" Orion answered "something about having a piece of me with you or something"

"What's your last name again?" He wondered

"It's Sutherland"

"Oh" Troy thought, it wasn't a bad last name "I like it"


Just a little fun AU, it gives me a break for writing all my other ideas ;) I hope you enjoyed, should I continue on?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2018 ⏰

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