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Rose hated group yoga sessions. She always felt uncomfortable doing the posses with everyone watching but these meetings were required. Especially since she didn't have her "other half". Rose was the only sign that didn't have her male counter part or vise versa. 

Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces all had both representatives. All but Gemini. Gemini was Rose's sign. The only sign missing a rep. All together there are 23 zodiac representatives. There are suppose to be 24. 

The problem is the Gemini sign tended to be more mentally unstable than the other signs. The twins. The fight between good and evil always found within the Gemini. It's almost ironic that Rose didn't have a counter part because Gemini's were known as "the twins". 

"Rose, are you paying attention?"  Jazz asked. That's a Virgo for you. Always paying attention to detail and being critical. Jazmine's a great friend though. It's the loyal trait of the Virgo. 

"Oh leave her alone. It's the ADD." Autumn added. Autumn an Aries, never holds back. If she doesn't like something she'll tell you. Rose wishes she could do that. However embarrassment is something she is prone to and couldn't take that risk.

Autumn was a ginger. A really pretty ginger. Her red hair had a cool yet effortlessly pretty style. Jazmine was also exrtemely stylish. Rose was not very stylish. She wore her brown hair natural at all times. Her hair was very long and slightly on the thick side. If she could style it she would. However she wan't very talented at art or girly things. Including hair. Also her hair never stayed styled. It had a mind of its own. 

Today was one of those days when the darker twin in the gemini's personality was stronger. This was probably because of what happened yesterday. The thing about rose is you can keep pushing her and taunting her but eventually you'll back her into a coner and she'll explode. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2014 ⏰

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