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Chapter One; Meeting 

Kamryn's P.O.V

I step outside the school, letting the cold air hit my cheek. I pull my coat on tighter and walk to my car that's parked on the east side of the parking lot. 

"Kam!" I hear the familiar voice of my twin sister, Aspyn. I turn see her running towards me. Her coat sleeves are flailing in the wind as she runs.

"Where's Ryan?" I ask, normally our younger brother rides in my car home.

"Didn't mom tell you he had practice today?." She says as she puts her backpack in the back seat.

"No," I say. knitting my eyebrows, of course Mom didn't tell me he had practice today. She was to busy hooking up with someone douche at the club, forgetting she already has a husband and three kids. I put my backpack in the back next to Aspyn's. I pull out of the parking and onto the road, leading us home.

* * *

"Kamryn can you pick up Ryan from practice?" my dad yells from the living room. Aspyn and I are in the kitchen making lemon pepper chicken and homemade mac and cheese. I rub my temples and let out a long sigh. it sometimes feels like it's just me and Aspyn parenting and caring for Ryan. Mom was always 'working late' and dad sits on his ass in the living room.

"Go, I'll finish dinner," Aspyn whispers, she has mom's old apron on and a bowl in her hands. "I'll have it done by the time you guys get home." She ushers me out. I grab the keys and pull my jacket back on. I hop in the front seat and start the car.

I pull into the parking lot, for the second time today, I cut the engine and get out. As I get close to the front doors, I see a group of three boys standing off to the side. Clouds of smoke hang above their heads. 

"I don't think it's very wise to make a school your gang hangout." I say as I get closer, I still can't see their faces. I have a few guesses as to who they are but I'm not sure. It might be Hunter Kory and his little posse that hang around by themselves and barely come to class.

"And I don't think it's very wise to be hanging around here at night." The one with his hood up said in a low raspy voice.

"It's not like I choose to hang out here." I say, getting closer to the boys and the main doors. I can see inside, Ryan and his friends are talking and walking down the hall. 

"So why are you here?" The shortest one asked with a thick accent, there is only one boy from our school that has an accent that thick; Levi Parker. So that makes the in the hoodie must be Hunter and the one behind him is John Park Hung. 

"I'm picking up my little brother from practice," I stated. I keep my eyes on Ryan. Him and his friends finally escaped from trap of practice and are now walking to their cars. Of course my brother the
little baby he is hasn't gotten his drivers license yet. it doesn't help the fact that he's a year younger than everyone in his grade. That makes him 16 and everyone else 17.

"hey, Kamryn." Ryan comes up to me and gives me a big sweaty hug. Not only that but he just gave them my name. "Where's Aspyn?"

"At home, go put your gear in the car, I'll be right behind you." I smile as my little brother picks his pads and helmet and struggles to carry them to the car.

"So Kamryn's the name? Kamryn Cole?"

"Yeah but you already knew that." I scoffed. I put my hands in my pocket and start walking to my car, But before I get far, I turn my head so it's in line with my shoulder. "And it was nice to meet you Hunter." I smile.

I get in the car, of course Ryan has the radio on and is listening to it. "Who were those people?" He wondered.

"Just some kids from school." I put the car in reverse. Of course Hunter's little posse is gone, lost in the night.

* * * 

"I met Hunter, Levi, and John Park while picking up Ryan," I blurt out. Aspyn almost drops the glass she was drying.

"Really?" She sighs, "Stupid to make the school your gang hangout." She puts away the rest of the dishes. "And Mom came home while you were gone." She runs a hand through her dark hair. She of course got Mom's naturally dark hair while Ryan and I got Dad's brown ashy color. That's really the only difference between us.

"Did they fight again?" Stressed, already knowing the answer. I grab the plastic containers full of leftover dinner and shove them in our overly crowded fridge.

"Of course they did, Kam. Mom brought home other fuck buddy. I managed to get her out and dad upstairs. I don't understand why they don't divorce already." She puts the wash rag in the laundry shoot. 

"I don't think it's that easy." I groaned, we head up to our shared room and start getting ready for bed. I take off my makeup and change into a tank top and shorts. I come out of the bathroom and see Aspyn laying on her bed looking at her phone. I jump on my bed. "Can I turn off the light?" asked. 

"Yeah I'm going to bed now, anyways." She puts her phone on the dresser and get under her covers. "Do you think they will even divorce?" She whispers after a few minutes of silence,

"I'm not sure," I answer, I pull the string on the lamp. the room is pitch black until my eyes adjust. I can see the outline of Aspyn's bed and the dresser we share.

"I hope they do, for the sake of Ryan. He should have to go through this." She yawns.

"Yeah, but we're only 18. We can't do everything around here. "

"We do it anyways." She snapped, Aspyn was always the snippy one. Always the twin that got in trouble. You could say I was the easy twin. The one who always listened to mom and dad. 

"Goodnight, Aspyn." But she only replies with her light snores filling the air. I fall asleep with Hunter and Levi's voice filling my head.

* * *

Well Damn, guess I have a new story. Hope you like it. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2020 ⏰

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