the dream💤

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How was your night

Was bad I had a dream I had a car accident I then woke up and the doctor came and told me that I was in coma and Charlotte wanted to drive me home but before  she could start the car Zion opens the car and jump on me and said I missed you

Wow you know that your dreams can happen in reality right

Yes I know and I'm scared

You don't have to be scared I'm with you Kay

Kay how was your night

I again had one of these dreams were my stepfather again tried to rape me

Omg I'm so sorry did you tell you mother

No not yet when she gets back

Ok tell her she should drive you to your therapist

Yes I will granny

😂 you know that I love you

I love you to granny ❤
Ah I almost forgot your plan for z do you have it yet

No I don't know yet

Naomi I think I have one

Ok I'm listening

You will now go and like all of his pictures and also comment something nice ok so that you will slowly get notice

Kay mom

15min Later

I'm done what now

Now you have to wait maybe he's in the studio or something

Okay I have to eat now bye sis❤

Bye granny

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