Chapter Three: A Strange Classmate

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(A/N. I don't know why I found it necessary to say this, but as I was writing my chapter, my tablet was at 69%. )

(No one's POV)

You ran to your next class, Music, tears still gently rolling down your face. You got there, and went in, sitting at the back. A girl, your age, obviously, walked up and sat next to you. She dressed in a simple evergreen dress, with green and black striped leggings, along with a black jacket with a floofy hood -which you thought you saw another student with a perfectly matching one earlier- over said dress, a pair of knee-high black leather boots, a necklace with a charm of a diamond Xbox controller, and earrings shaped like gaster blasters. She also had a pair of green plastic framed glasses, which complemented her eyes well. But her clothes weren't anywhere near the weirdest part. With one greenish-grey eye, and one steel grey eye, pale skin, brown hair highlighted with blonde, with cat ears and a tail. She had a scar across one cheek, although it wasn't too noticeable, and could be covered by her hair, if she wanted too. She looked at you for a moment, then frowned, mumbling about how she "fuckin' broke the fourth wall again", her green eye turning a stormy grey. She then looked back at you, her eye turning to a much brighter green, and smiled,

"Sorry (Y/N)! I'm Amber Cipher, though you probably have already heard about me from other universes...Y'know, 'AHH, OH NO, SHE'S RELATED TO BILL, SHE'S GONNA KILL US ALL!!!'" She frowned, but then went back to smiling, and scooted closer to you. "So, you mind telling me what happened? I'm surprisingly good at understanding people's problems.." You probably looked really confused, how did she know your name? She, as though hearing your thoughts, answered, "I'm a dream demon, I CAN hear your thoughts."

You nodded, explaining the picture to the girl, Amber, and how your mother had died when you were young. "-Dad does his best to raise us, and he does well..I just miss Mom, I guess...." Amber nodded in understanding, and let you finish venting to her. You smiled weakly at her, and she smiled back.

"Hey, I understand..Bill and I lost our mom when we were little as well..We pretty much raised each other, until he found his "other half" as you humans would say it, and I found Fell, the love of my life, and my best friends BEN and SIlver! .But anyway, I'm rambling- Sorry!" She laughed nervously, "Anyway, I'm going to give you my number... Ever need someone to talk to, you can call me up, I'll be there in a heartbeat with chocolate ice cream. Or..Y'know, if you ever wanna hang out." She handed you a slip of green paper, with her name and number neatly written out on it, just as class started. It was uneventful, though, just as you were walking out, Amber at your side, she whispered something seemingly completely random...

"Give Paperjam a chance, kay?"

You nodded in confusion, and she sent you a smile "See ya later!"

(Amber's POV)

I smiled as (Y/N) talked to me, we'll become good friends.. She's been through a lot, the poor girl.. I mean, technically, being the Author, yes, I could have made her life better.. But then the book would be boring, and you don't want that, do you Reader? Anyway! I should stop breaking the remains of the fourth wall now...See y'all in the next chapter!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2018 ⏰

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