Part 1

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6:35 am: Time to wake up to another day of a terrible life. Yeah you're probably thinking I'm over dramatic but that's far from true.

So now I have to pray that there is something in the pantry for me to eat breakfast. Whenever we run out of food I have to try and find money around the house to buy food from the store.

So I got dressed, brushed my hair and went downstairs ate Cookie Crisp and brushed my teeth and waited for my friend, Chelsea to pick me up in her car with her driver.

That's right her own personal driver. Yeah your probably thinking why would she be friends with someone like me but she's not like all the stuck up rich girls. We met in 1st grade when I asked her for a pencil.

She is pretty spoiled. She has 4 brothers so I'm guessing that's why. I heard the doorbell rang and opened the door it was Chelsea.

"Hey Ashlynn, ready for the first day of 9th grade?"

I sighed. I guess


Chelsea's POV

I was so upset. I didn't want to have to tell Ashlynn that we couldn't be friends anymore. She has been my best friend since 1st grade. But my parents said I couldn't be friends with her anymore because her mother is a drug addict. Which is pretty stupid because Ashlynn has always been a great person and student. She's very strong about it.


"Uh uh yeah?

"We're here.

"Oh. Ok"

We walked out of the car and my other friends were waiting for me there. Ashlynn calls them the "Plastics" because they look like plastic with all the plastic surgery they had and there only in 8th GRADE! But there still my friends.


"Sorry. "

"Come on let's go. "


Ashlynn's POV

When we were walking I got the dirtiest looks from the "plastics". Riley Smith,the leader of the group. Gianna Werner, the follower. Kayla George,the dumb one.

I ignored them and walked by with Chelsea who tried to turn around but used all my might not to let her.

We got to our first class, Math, my favorite! Luckily I had math with Chelsea so I could keep an eye on her.

Alright so x=y so x +y = wait....... WHERES CHELSEA! I'm legit freaking out, I calmly got up and asked the teacher for a bathroom pass and slowly walked out of the classroom. Once I got out of the classroom, I started running like no one would believe.

I got to the girls bathroom and checked the stalls, nothing. SHIT! I started sliding down the wall, crying.

"Well, well what do we have here?" I look up and it's the plastics.

"What do you want Riley?"

"I want to know why your sitting on the floor crying."

"Well if you must know, I can't find Chelsea anywhere."

"Oh she left a while ago."

I looked up at them and stood up.

"Where did she go?"

"Now why would I tell you?"

Well if you don't I'll tell the whole school your a lesbian.

"No one will a believe you."

"Alright and I'll tell them she's twice your age."

"UGH fine. We met her in here to fix out make up and she got a text from a blocked ID to meet her outside and she never came back in."

What! Could she have been kidnapped? Maybe it was that guy at the park that was giving her looks like a pervert.

The bell rang. I didn't realize that I was in here for that long.

I got my stuff from math and went to 2nd period still worrying about Chelsea.

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