Chapter 2
As i dashed to my house there was already firefighters.NO,NO this cant be happening.I droped to my knees and cried.I wonder if any of my family was in there! I was overthinking to many questions, then suddenly i blacked out.
"Wake up can you here me?" Is that you mom? "Its Angel your Mom is in the hospital and your brother, they wouldnt say." As i stood up and dashed through the door." Where are you going?" "To see my family." As i ran through the neiborhood as fast as i can, something hit me.What will i do if they already passed? I had to think staright and focus to keep going.Dashing fast and faster by the minute with my teary eyes someone just had to pull up.Krissy."I see your house burned down and that filthy clothes with it, i would offer you a ride but you said goodbye so goodbye!" As she drove off I just forgot about it because my family is more important than her.
Halfway there and it had to start drizzling. As i kept running i triped. Now im soaking in mud ( thats good my mom told me to wear this or my nice clothes would have been ruined). CRAP! Another person had to pull up again. OMG it was that hot boy that i sat on the bus with! "Is'nt your name Aliah?" Yeah. "Well im Logan i saw what happened to your house and i was wondering if would want a ride?" "Yeah sure!" Where are you heading?" "The hospital. " "Then lets get going!"