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(A/N: sorry for the delay, I had no clue where I was going with this story. Until today that is. Seeing my ex-girlfriend brought out some [terrible] memories and this happened)

{(Y/n)'s P.O.V.}

"You're kidding" I muttered.


"I didn't say anything"

I was in class currently, and as it was a new semester so was there a new elective class. Arriving to a new class early should bring nothing bad, unless you're in my situation. Just as I feared, Rena was in my class. My ex-girlfriend.

When I arrived and sat at a random seat, she showed up right after me. Out of all the empty seats that she could have took, she decided to take the one next to mine.

Should I just move? But then she could just move to my spot again. I wasn't looking anywhere in her direction, yet I knew she was looking at me. The creepy chills I feel around her presence never fades, it seems.

As I was entering a state of doom, my savior showed up - Aemi.

"Hey (Y/n), what's-" she paused seeing the predicament I was in.

I quickly sat up and greeted her back.

"Hey Aemi"

Giving each other a knowing look, we walked towards the back of the room furthest away from Rena.

To my relief, Rena didn't stand up to move.

"Hey, what's the deal?" Aemi whispered.

"She decided to sit next to me for some reason" I answered.

"Oh....do you think she still...?"

"I hope not"

It was a known fact that I was the one to break up with Rena (because of how terrible of a girlfriend she was), and that she never wanted to break up with me in the first place. She ended up approaching me again in the past to try and ask me out again, but I refused of course.

When people ask, 'why did you break up with her?', it always fills me with vexation. Just try to think of every negative trait someone can have. After you've done that, say them out loud and know that Rena most likely is every trait.

I thought I was through with her, that I wouldn't have to talk to her or deal with her again. Why.

The teacher finally beginning class brought my thoughts to a halt for a good few moments. When she started blabbing about the usual class expectations, that's when I stopped paying attention, and was blankly staring at the board. Ready to start day dreaming, I felt a sudden shiver. Rena couldn't have...? She wouldn't be, would she?

Trying to make it as subtle as possible, I turned slightly in Rena's direction and an alarmed expression showed up on my face before I could stop it.

She was staring at me, no doubt! And she didn't even try to make it seem like an accident, she is still staring!

Whipping my head around to the board again, I hoped for her to stop. But alas, that never happened.

At times like this, I get an urge to see Akira and hug her. I am totally doing that when I get home.

So when class ended, I sprinted out giving a short goodbye to Aemi.

Continuing on walking home, I found the source of my horror on the other side of the street. Why was Rena there and how did she catch up with me?

Deciding to ignore her, I walked home faster and as soon as I saw my house in sight, I darted.

"(Y/n), wait!" Rena shouted.

It alarmed me, and I temporarily froze. Those split seconds were enough for her to run up to me and grab my arm.

I forgot how fast of a runner she was.

"(Y/n), I need to talk to you"

"N-no, let go"

"No, I'm not letting go until you listen to me!"

"I...I have to go now-"

"(Y/n), I still like you! No matter what you say, I'll never want to get a girlfriend who's not you"

The front door suddenly shot open.

"Get. Away. From. (Y/n)."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2018 ⏰

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