Norman Bates X Reader

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What the  hell is that. I got off the motel bed and walked to the window. It sounded like someone was screaming. Oh. It was just two people arguing. It sounded like a man and a woman.  I sighed and opened the window. I am so bored. I can't wait till this rain clears up. All I want to do was leave and go see my mom. She is super sick and I love her so I have to go visit her. I sit down on the bed and grab my book. I read a few pages before I hear a knock at my door. Standing up, I walk to the peephole. The owner of the motel was outside. I was confused and wondered what i did.  I oppened the door.
"What can I do for you?" I say as I shift on my feet uncomfortably.
"Uh I app-o-ligize for the noise, me and my m-oth-er had a figh-t."

I sighed with relief. At least it wasn't me.
"Oh it's fine I hadn't noticed"
He laughed politely.
"Well I'm glad I didn't d-isn't-urbed you"
I smile at him and begin to try to shut the door.  "U-h wait, would you mind coming to the         p-arlor with me, just to t-al-k." He smiled ackwardly.
"Umm I guess so." I was kinda weirded out but didn't want to be rude so I accepted. After all I was bored.  I grabbed my jacket and followed him to the lobby and the to the parlor. I thought long and what I was going to say. He was a bit awkward during the conversation and seemed to also be in a bad mood. I watched what I said as to not tick him off. He smiled at the things I said as if he was happy with my responses. After a while I started to get tired. I yawned and stretched my legs.
"I think I might go to sleep soon." I say as I go to stand up.
"Aww leaving so quickly? You could stay around, you know. I wouldn't mind the company."
I laughed "Um no thanks, I'm super tired." He seemed angry but stood up and opened the door for me. I glanced into his eyes and smiled. He looked furious.  I was scared and basically ran back to my room. Even though I ran I was still pretty wet from the rain so I slammed my door and ran to jump into bed. I changed into short shorts and a tank top I shivered and cuddled under the blanket. After a few seconds I drifted off to sleep. When I woke up, I jumped. There was someone standing over my bed and leaning down towards me slowly. I went to scream but he covered my mouth.
"Be quiet there is a psychopath in the hotel." I nodded and looked at him. He pulled his hand back.
"Who is it?"
"The damned owner. Norman Bates."
I gulped. I had just flirted and had a long conversation with a killer.
"How do you know?"
"He killed my girlfriend just as we were getting into it."
I raise my eyebrows but don't say anything.
"You know, your pretty hot yourself." I shift and start to move to get off the bed, but he grabbed me. Why are guys always at the mercy of their sex glands. (ten points if you got the reference)
"Hey get off" I say loudly as he pulls me back into the bed.
"No I think I'll pick up where I left off except with you."
I screamed. I wasn't thinking of anything else at this moment except for getting away from this guy. Suddenly the door slammed open. The dude groaned and coughed up blood then fell off of me. I screamed and the woman that held the knife stood over me. I had tears streaming down my face. The lady dropped the knife and fell to her knees. A wig fell off the persons head. I realized it was actually Norman.

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