Kelly X Chris (PART 2)

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Lovely song L. P. I hope you know I'd become, easily, a lesbian for you.

Oh, hi! Well, forget what you just read. I know, I've kept you waiting for a long time and it wouldn't be nice for me to update a chapter irrelevant to the book's description (I mean, like the previous one). So, here is this time's jussy part! Enjoy!

(There's been a first part too. I suggest you read it before this one.)


Kelly's POV

"... 14,16,18 ah here it is. Her house. I'm so excited to finally be here. I've been counting the days since our last date at that peculiar coffee shop.
We drink the same coffee! Well that's a match made in heaven.
I... Em I should probably ring her bell.... Agh maybe my dress is too much?? No no red and tight is a great combination.
It's gonna be great, dont worry Kelly!
Enough with the pep talk. "

As soon as the bell rang I heard her deep and rapry voice at the speaker
" who is it? "
" Em hey Chris, it's Kelly! "
Her voice became sweet
" You are already here! Come in!"

As I got out of the elevator she was already there waiting for me.
She was wearing blue jeans and a green flannel on top that flattered her green eyes.

" I missed you" she said and hugged me tightly. I felt her heart beating super fast against my chest

"Me too" I answered and kissed her on the neck

"No no you are not going to turn my plans for today upside down honey! First we eat that amazing beef I cooked and then we can do whatever you want!" she winked at me

When we got inside I started noticing the details in her apartment.
Very rebellious and interesting.
Just like her.
Art work on the walls, books all over the place, a great large couch and a cozy fireplace.
I felt at home.

" Do you want to sit here first and drink something?" she offered

"How can I say no to a margatita by you? I remember the first night we met you were drinking one so you must have good taste"

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