Two boys, one bed...

710 27 13

hello, I am back. now that I wrote about frozen I can't get let it go out of my head... like why... I've tried to listen to musical soundtracks to try and get it out of my head hell I even got my mum into Hamilton in the process but NO my brains having none of it. Anyways sorry for ranting XD hope you enjoy. ^^

'Finally!' Hinata thought as the credits rolled down the screen. Natsu and Oikawa both fell asleep halfway through the movie but he decided not to put his sister to bed because it would wake his boyfriend (whom he thought looked really hot whilst sleeping) and if he made Natsu go upstairs before the movie was finished, he knew that he would have MANY bruises on his legs.

"Okawa... wake up," Hinata said, nudging Tooru as he slowly arose from his slumber. "you need to get off... I need to put Natsu to bed". he continued gesturing to his arms that were tightly secured around the spikers waist. a measly 'oh' escaped the third years' mouth as he reluctantly moved his arms.

"Do you want me to take her?" Oikawa asked, trying to act like a gentleman.

"no, it's fine. I've done this loads of times before. it may not look like it but I do have muscles. " he snapped back with a cheeky undertone as he picked up his sister.

after Hinata came back down and tidied up the residue of the pizza (by cleaning up I mean eating the leftovers). he sat on Oikawa's lap and listened to his boyfriend's heartbeat.

they both just sat there enjoying the peaceful silence until Hinata felt something... (I KNOW WHAT YOU'RE THINKING PERVS)

He reluctantly pulled out his phone, which read:

"one message from 'mother'"

mother: hey, so there's been a slight change of plans, I'm not coming home until Monday. I hope you can manage. your friend can stay if he likes. is Natsu in bed? also, the packet of jammie dodgers in the biscuit cardboard needs to be gotten rid of, hope you know what to do with them, speak to you tomorrow. xx

Shoyo: hi mum. Natsu fell asleep halfway through Frozen, she's in bed now. yes. I do know exactly what to do with them >:). I'll see you when you get back then.

"what was that about... should I be jealous. who do I need to kill?" Oikawa said jokingly.

"it was my mum, I would greatly appreciate if you don't kill her." Hinata laughed. he thought it was cute that his boyfriend wanted to protect him. "looks like we have the weekend to ourselves." he said as he leaned in for a kiss, which was gladly accepted.

soon enough the once sweet and innocent kiss became rough and steamy. Oikawa pushed Hinata on the sofa, then finally took a breath.

"d-don't you think we're going a bit fast..." Hinata muttered, with a ruby face.

Oikawa reluctantly got off of his adorable partner, a little broken-hearted; but he knew his boyfriend was right. they should take things slow. heck, they've only been dating for a day and he already tried to make a move?!

"so... what do you want to do?" Oikawa asked, trying to break the awkward silence that was suffocating the air around them.

"I'm tired..." Hinata started as he flopped onto Oikawa's knees. "but I want to spend every second with you." he said with puppy eyes.

"look, I'm not going anywhere. so how about you show me where I'm sleeping and then you can get some rest because you're obviously tired and we'll see what we want to do in the morning" he replied kissing his boyfriends' fluffy mop of hair.

"oh shit-" Hinata mumbled "we don't have anywhere for you to sleep..." he said "is it okay if-" Hinata trailed off.


"if you... sharedabedwithme!" Hinata screeched.

"sure... where's your bedroom?"

'he's acting surprisingly calm' hinata thought to himself as he lead the man of his dreams into his bedroom. (OI i can see you little pervs. N O T H I N G I S G O I N G T O H A P P E N... yet) hinata quickly jumped into his bed and covered his face as Oikawa slowly too off his shirt.

after what felt like forever Oikawa slowly crept up next to hinata and fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. as for hinata, it was the complete opposite. he didn't realise straight away but then it soon hit him. oikawa is sleeing in the same bed as me... completely NAKED!

hello how are you, i am currently trying to stop myself from fangirling. i decided it would be fun to leave it on a cliff hanger because i'm a horrible person.

also for th people who don't know Jammie Dodgers are a popular British biscuit, made from shortbread with a raspberry or strawberry flavoured jam filling and a little heart in the middle. they are absolutey amazing and they are my favourite biscuit, closely followed by custard creames and bourbournes.

anyways, i hope you enjoyed this short but sweet(?) chapter. cya!^^

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