Chapter One

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Strom's POV

With circulating motions of my hand, I was making doodles in shape of tornado all over the page of my open notebook. If I wasn't in classroom, I would groan with annoyance right now. So I just settled with deep sigh and roll of my eyes.

Class started about five minutes ago, but I already felt like I spent ages listening to monotone voice of Ms. Reynol. Even if she was talking about something remotely interesting, it was hard listening her voice without falling asleep. It didn't help that it was her class I had the first in the morning. With her slow body motions and always half opened eyes, I wondered if she put herself to sleep too. Or it was maybe because she was just too old...

I sighed once more and let my head hit soft surface of my hand that was on the table. I turned my head to the side and that way I got clear sight of the person I despised the most.

Erone Dalachi.

Snarl worked it's way on my face as I glared at the black haired devil. It was like he sensed my stare and second later his freaky blueish eyes met my green ones. But I did not look away. He narrowed his eyes, keeping that blank expression of his. My glare became more fierce and my jaw clenched.

I don't how can someone make me so angry just with their presence alone.

I thought I saw amusement twirl in those eyes of his but it was gone in a flash as he fixated his gaze on Ms. Reynol once again.

I couldn't handle looking at him one more second without my blood boiling so I turned my head around, now staring at the white wall of a classroom.

Just as I was about to enter the dream land, I heard raised but still monotone voice of Ms. Reynol.

"Mr. Winche, do you perhaps need a pillow?"

"Honestly, I could use one right now." People in the classroom snickered as I said the sentence with slight smirk on my face while at the same time stretching arms over my head.

"No snarky remarks or sleeping in this classroom, Mr. Winche. Don't let it repeat or you'll get detention. Understood?" Ms. Reynol fumed while pointing her finger towards me.

"I'll try my best." I answered with cheeky grin and she just shook her head at me.

"As I was saying, before certain someone interrupted us," she looked towards me and I shrugged my shoulders innocently, "you'll be working on a procjet in pairs. Now, because of some incidents that happened in the past, I chose who you'll be in pair with." Whole class erupted in loud groans when finding out that they will not have the right to choose their own partners. I didn't really care since none of my friends were in this class.

"Quiet," she said with slightly raised voice and when the noise from protesting students faded away, she continued, "I paired you up so student with lower grade will be with student with higher grade. And don't expect that the person with higher grade will do everything on their own, you must work together. You could also use this as opportunity to fix your grades while it's not too late and let the person with higher grade tutor you or help you with the questions you don't know answer to."

I relaxed knowing that I'll probably get one of those smart girls who I can persuade to get it done alone. I know it sounds terrible but I really don't have energy for anything else after endless football training and practice. This class is not my dream, my dream is to play football, to be on field with my team. And I'll prove that to my father, one way or another...

I watched around the classroom, wondering which one of the girls I'll get. I let my thoughts wander until I heard it was time to call out pairings.

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