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Author's POV

At night..

A black hair girl...

Sitting alone at the park..

She sat on the bench..

Staring up at the sky..

While watching a big tree in front of her..

It was cold right there..

But she didnt bother to wear thin clothes.. she didnt wear any jacket as well..

She folder her arm across her chest..

she just sat still right there for two hours..

" I Miss you.." That girl said while staring at the big tree..

Somehow...that big tree have a memory that she cant forget..she thought that..even tho she didnt know where is he right now..but she sure enough...the time will come for her to be happy again..

A day that she expect her to die.. well... again.. she didnt die..

she woke up on her bed..and she didnt have idea how it could happen..

the last thing she remembered was her leg hurt when she kept running from the Starbucks.

She sighed.

Jisoo's POV

I haven't seen the end to myself either..
But if there's such a thing, wouldn't it be you?
I wanted to be a warm wave..
But why didn't I know you're the ocean?
What do I do?

Dear heart.. please dont make me confuse.

I closed my eyes..

I put my hand on my chest..

I pray silently..

If you really exist..please stop make confused...


I felt a cold breeze brushing me..

A wind blow my hair.. and i didnt bother to open my eyes.

"Kim Jisoo?"

I was hesitate to open my eyes back..

Cause i hate to put so much hope on myself..

Whispering my name..like before..but it never exist in front of my eyes..

"Kim Jisoo...open your eyes."

I slowly opened my eyes..

I pull away back my hand from my chest..

I was welcomed with a guy that crouch down at my level staring at me..


I saw him before..

its not a random man..

its a doctor..

that treat me before...

But i dont know his name..

"Kim Jisoo?" Again... his sweet romantic voice calling my name.. i wish he only call me like that..

Why i was being so selfish? I didnt know him at all !

I found myself staring at him..

The way he stare at me...his way...its just like...we already get used to it before.

I clear my throat cause i want to ease this awkward atmosphere.

"Yes, doctor?" I smile at him.

"What are you doing right here? Alone..Its cold..YOu might get sick."

[COMPLETED] Best of Me | Kim Jisoo X Male Reader--Blackpink fanficWhere stories live. Discover now