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P.S. I'd just like to say, not only am I SO proud of Shawn, but I'm SO proud of all the boys. They're all getting so far and doing so great.♥ Also, I'm switching up the perspective a little bit! Hope it's alright for y'all's! 

*Taylor's Perspective* 

I walked into the entertainment room, feeling stressed, and only to feel worse when I see Lana all wrapped up in Aaron's arms. Peighton's sat beside them, looking nervous, like she was going to tell Lana what she promised she wouldn't. Her eyes met mine and she sent a sympathetic look my way. I shot her back one begging her not to tell. 

I unclenched my hands that I didn't realize were balled up at my sides, and sigh. Lana grabbed Aaron, pulling him out of the room, so I went and plop down next to Peighton. "You were going to tell her." I said, staring ahead and trying to stay calm.

"I wasn't. I was thinking about it, but I wasn't going to." She admitted. 

"You can't tell her. Not yet. I have to find some way to win her over." I groaned, running my fingers through my hair. 

Peighton tried to give me ideas, and tried her ass off to cheer me up, but my head's just stuck in the clouds. A while later Lana stormed through the room, looking pissed and upset, as she made her way out. I frowned and got up to follow her, but Peighton stopped me.

"She won't talk to you. Give her a couple minutes or she'll just get more pissed." Peighton advised, and she was right. 

After a few minutes past I hurried to find out where she scampered off to. She sat against the house off to the side, staring at the sky as the sun had just set. I slowly walked over to her and sat down next to her. 

"You okay?" I asked after a moment. 

"Peachy." She responded, rolling her eyes. 

"Liar. Tell me what's wrong." I looked at her and she sighed, leaning her head against my shoulder. She spilled everything to me, and my heart broke a little when she mentioned that we're just friends. 

"I'm being ridiculous, though. I was being rude. I should have just stayed calmed and worked it out or something." She sighed. She's wrong though, she wasn't being ridiculous, she was hurt and she had every right to defend herself. "Can I tell you something?" She asked before I could say anything, turning to face me. 

"Anything." I stated, smiling.

"I'm not sure if you could really tell or not, but god I really like Aaron, a lot. I just- I just wish that he liked me back." She buried her face in her hands, groaning. I didn't say anything to her, I just pulled her in a hug and held her close. "Thank you, Taylor." She mumbled against my chest.

"Anything for you, babe." I whispered. I have a habit of calling her that, and she never seemed to mind, so I never tried to break it.

"I'm going to go on a walk. I need to clear my head." She stated, standing up and wiping off her sweat pants. 

"I'll come with you. That way the boogie man can't get you." I teased, getting up and throwing my arm around her shoulder. 

"I'm not five, Tay." She giggled, leaning into my chest. 

"But you look like it." I tease because of her height. 

"Can it, Caniff." She continued to giggle, kissing my cheek. 

We walked around, teasing each other, laughing, and being completely obnoxious. It was almost like we were the only two people in the world. Yeah, it may have seemed a bit weird since I'm eighteen and she's fifteen, but it's only a three year difference, and it's not like I'm going to do anything with her. 

After a while we found a tree by the lake and decided to climb up it and sit on a branch. Luckily there was a decent sized branch that could hold the two of us, barely, but it could. We talked and watched the moon's reflection in the water, along with the night stars. I looked over at her and completely fallen for her again. She's lit by the moonlight and her eyes twinkled more than ever as she stared at the scenery in awe. She looked so at peace, and beautiful as ever. 

Lana looked over at me and smiled. "What?" She asked, biting her lip. I couldn't seem to keep my eyes off of her lips for more than a few seconds. 

"You're so beautiful." I whispered, barely able to get it out. 

"Thank you." She responded quietly, looking down at her lap. I lifted her chin up and looked her dead in the eyes. She smiled at me before her eyes flickered down to my lips. I leaned in slowly, cupping her cheek in my hand, and right as our lips barely brushed, she pulled away slightly. "We, um, probably should get back. I didn't tell my mom we left. If she noticed she'd definitely start to worry." She spoke softly. 

"Right." I said, pretty disappointed. "Let's go." I climb down the tree and helped her down when she needed it. 

"Oh, Taylor?" She asked, looking up at me with a slight smirk.

"Hmm?" She leaned up, pressing her lips softly to mine. Before I have anytime to react she pulled away, smiling down at her feet. A smile instantly grew on my face and I leaned down and connected our lips again. 

A/N: Sorry this was a short update. I need some comments, though guys! Be sure to tell me who think Lana is going to end up with, Taylor, Aaron, or neither? Do you think Aaron and Lana can make up? I'm so excited for this story guys!!! :D

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