List of Alien Powers from Arrowverse TV shows (November 2021 Update)

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Edit/Author Note: This will be edited sometime in the near future since the Arrowverse shows won't return until January.

Most extraterrestrial species possess native attributes that can be classified by human standards as superpowers. In other instances, these abilities only manifest when an alien is exposed to a certain environment once outside of their homeworld or to a specific source of energy.

Known alien powers

Power: Accelerated healing factor
Description: The power to heal much faster than is typically considered normal.
Known Users: Rama Khan, Sara Lance

Power: Accelerated perception
Description: The power to comprehend one's surroundings at a much slower rate than is typically considered normal.
Known Users: Clark Kent

Power: Animation
Description: The power to bring inanimate objects to life.
Known Users: Mxyzptlk

Power: Astral Projection
Description: The power to project ones consciousness outside the users body.
Known Users: Nia Nal

Power: Atmospheric adaptation
Description: The ability to adapt to a foreign atmosphere to one's own natural one.
Known Users: Reign

Power: Black hole/Void manipulation
Description: The power to generate and/or manipulate black holes or voids
Known Users: Midnight

Power: Cellular Replication
Description: The power to replicate cells at a superhuman speed, allowing the creation of life-sized clones of its user, as well as the power to create extra limbs on a body.
Known Users: Kopy

Power: Clairvoyance
Description: The ability to view into the future or between dimensions.
Known Users: Mxyzptlk

Power: Conjuration
Description: The power to create objects or sentient creatures out of nothing.
Known Users: Mxyzptlk

Power: Contaminant immunity
Description: An immunity to any known forms of diseases, ailments and illnesses, as well as chemicals and toxins.
Known Users: Astra, The Commander, Kara Danvers, Lar Gand, Gor, Kara, Clark Kent, Mon-El, Mur, Non, Reign
Rhea, Selena, Tor, Unnamed dark Kryptonian, Vita, Zod, Alura Zor-El

Power: Cryokinesis
Description: Other than meta-humans, Kryptonians and beings with similar physiology also have the ability to generate ice through high velocity exhalations (freeze breath)
Known Users: Astra, Jane Doe, Kara Danvers, Clark Kent, Non, Samantha Arias, Alura Zor-El

Power: Electrosynthesis
Description: The ability of an individual to act as their own power source.
Known Users: Reign

Power: Elemental resistance
Description: A resistance to extreme temperatures and/or the elements.
Known Users: Kara Danvers, Clark Kent, Reign

Power: Empathy
Description: The power to feel others' feelings.
Known Users: Samantha Arias, Fiona Byrne, Julia Freeman, Reign, Unnamed Haverack

Power: Enhanced memory
Description: When a character's memory is enhanced beyond that of a regular individual, or what is considered normal. This may include remembering minutely fine details, or specific events years prior.
Known Users: Reign

Power: Fire Breath 
Description: The ability to exhale fiery blasts from her mouth.
Known Users: Jane Doe, Dragons

Power: Flight
Description: The ability to suspend gravity's hold on one's body and soar through the air, usually at high speeds. This ability is universally used as a means of mobility among those who use it, as it allows them to maneuver easily even while at high altitudes as well as to cover more ground.
Known Users: Kara Danvers, Morgan Edge, Clark Kent, J'onn J'onzz, Astra, Mur, Jane Doe, M'gann M'orzz, Kara (Earth-X), Samantha Arias, Grace Parker, Julia Freeman, Selena, Vita, Ayala, Alura Zor-El, Unnamed Giant air feeder

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