Our Beginning

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Okay hi. I've been working on this story for a few years because I keep stopping, but I'm determined to finish now. It starts off a little short, but the parts will get longer and better I swear ! Enjoy.

"I'm in love with Camila okay!" My voice cracked from pain and fear. "It was always her! I'm sorry..... I'm sorry." A tear escaped my eye as I pleaded to the tall girl with the gun. It wasn't supposed to happen this way. We were suppose to stay friends; she told me she was okay with this. "Dinah please." Camila whimpered in the corner, her hands roped behind her back. A tear fell into the small cut hiding under her eyelid. It burned me just seeing her so weak. Dinah sat with the gun angled directly at Camila's temple, she was ready to pull the trigger. "Is this what you wanted Lauren? Now you're losing both of us.." When she pulled that trigger, every moment from the past year came back to me. Every missed chance, Everytime I should've said no, and everyday I spent wishing I were free.

Since the moment I was put into the band Fifth Harmony, I had always been infatuated by Dinah Jane. Not only was she beautiful, but she was also so vibrant and kind. By time our time on X-Factor was up, she and I were inseperable. It was as if two powerful magnets had finally connected and no one could pull them apart... No one. It only got stronger in our 3rd year as a group.

"Hey Lauren." Normani said to me as we were taking a break from our rehearsal. "I wanted to talk to you about Camila." Camila had always had a slight crush on me. She was so brazen: she brought me sweets, always wanted to cuddle, and she told me how pretty I was everyday. I could see her jealousy when I hang out with Dinah, but she'd never speak on it, she was too shy and too nice. I had a small crush on her too; she was so beautiful and her childish nature gave her a youthful glow. I think I was just about as interested in her as I was in Dinah, but Dinah knew how to grasp my attention a bit more than Camila did. "So her birthday is coming up in a few months and I have the perfect idea for a girl's night, but I need to make sure everyone is 100℅ down for it." Normani always spoke with such excitement when it came to Camila... I started to think that they had a thing. I don't know why this idea filled me with such rage. I didn't own Camila and it wasn't fair to act like it or try to keep her to myself. I nodded and stated, "Sure thing." As soon as I responded Camila ran up to us and jumped into Normani's lap. My heart sank below my chest.

As my face reddened the words, "Hey beautiful women!" were shouted out by our small friend Ally who was accompanied by Dinah who immediately caught my eye. "Are we still having girls night tonight?" Ally asked with cheerful eyes and a wide grin. As the other three conversed about plans, Dinah pulled me to the side for a more private conversation. "Wanna ditch the team and hang with me tonight? I wanted some private time." I nodded with no hesitation. I didn't know why I was so entranced by this woman. All I knew is that I was hooked and she knew it too.

The Easy Life Of Lauren JaureguiWhere stories live. Discover now