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9. The party

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The car halted in front of a five-star hotel. Caleb opened the door of the car for me and then led me inside the hotel. I had never been to a fancy place like this, so I couldn't help but feel self-conscious. Caleb's hand around my waist was intensifying my nervousness.

As I stepped into the spacious hall, my mind stopped working. All the men were dressed in expensive-looking suits and women were wearing designer gowns and diamond necklaces. And here I was, wearing Katherine's dress.

"I don't think I should go in here." I fidgeted in my heels.

"Hey, believe me. You are looking the prettiest in this party," Caleb consoled me and I scoffed at his lie.

How could I compete with these beautiful women?

I observed the hall and my eyes stopped at a particular couple dancing on the dance floor.

Katherine and Daniel.

Daniel was cladded in a grey suit while Katherine was wearing a white evening gown, looking graceful as ever. Her black hair was curled to perfection and was swept over her shoulder. Their movements were perfectly coordinated as they swayed with the soft music.

A slight wave of jealousy hit me but I ignored it and turned my attention to Caleb.

"I thought they both hated each other?" I asked curiously.

"They do. Or at least, they think they do."

"It doesn't look like that." I commented.

"Well, Katherine thinks she is in love with King. But what she doesn't realize is that this is just physical attraction. And Daniel thinks he hates her but in reality, he is just jealous because of her admiration for brother," Caleb explained like a love-expert, and led me towards the stage.

Daniel stopped when he noticed me and prodded towards us.

"Caleb, did you ask King about this?" His demeanor changed and he suddenly looked tense for me.

"Don't worry. He is not even coming, I guess," Caleb said calmly and Daniel gave him a hard glare.

"He better not," Daniel said and turned his attention towards me.

"Just pray boss won't know you attended this party," he said. "By the way, you look beautiful."

A grunt erupted from Katherine's mouth as she took in my appearance.

"This is because she is wearing my dress," she snorted.

"Well, thanks again," I gave her a soft smile and she just rolled her eyes in return.

"Come on, dance with me," Caleb said, gripping my wrist and taking me to the dance floor.

The song started and he snaked his arm around my waist. My eyes were searching the entrance for any sign of Hayden. I gasped when Caleb pulled me a little closer.

"Sorry," he muttered, noticing my horrified expressions and creating some distance.

We danced with each other for a few minutes and then I excused myself and walked to Daniel who was watching Katherine dance with an older guy. A frown was etched on his face.

"Hey," I said.

"Hey," he replied, but his eyes never left the floor.

"Katherine is looking beautiful, isn't she?" I questioned.

"Maybe, I didn't notice," he replied and turned towards the mini bar.


Suddenly, the hall stopped and every eye turned towards the main entrance where Hayden was standing.

He was wearing a pitch-black three-piece suit; his hair was gelled back in perfection. He looked like a model, straight out of a photoshoot. His coat did nothing to hide his muscular build as he greeted a man who looked like the host of the party. With his 6'2" height, he easily towered over the short man. Alessandro was standing at his side, his arm around a beautiful woman in a green satin gown.

"Shit," Caleb muttered from behind me.

"Ok, just hide behind me. I hope he won't notice," he said, but it was too late. Hayden's eyes had finally met mine and his face suddenly hardened.

He took confident steps towards me, his eyes never leaving mine. I felt myself drowning in his beautiful eyes.

"What the fuck is she doing here?" his voice was low but threatening.

"I- I asked her to come." Caleb gulped as Hayden looked at him with a dangerous glint in his eyes.

"We will talk about this at home." His jaw was clenched tightly and a vein in his neck popped out. There was a hidden threat in his voice. He left without another word but his tone told me that I was in danger.

Caleb left soon after to dance with another girl and I went towards the food stall to curb my appetite.

"Do I know you beautiful?" I heard a voice and turned around to face a man in his forties.

"Uh.. no."

"What are you doing in this party, sweetheart?" he asked, leaning a bit too close to me.

"I am with Caleb King," I said and he nodded in recognition. I looked around the hall but he was nowhere.

"Caleb, oh yeah. He was looking for you. I saw him walking towards the hotel garden," he said and glided his finger along my arm.

"T.. Thanks." I moved away from him quickly. There was a negative vibe about him which I wanted to avoid.

Looking for Caleb, I reached the garden but there was nobody there.

I turned around but my lungs stopped working when I found the same man behind me. There was a dangerous smirk on his face as his eyes raked me from my head to toe.

"You have a sinfully attractive body dear," he said in a low, seductive tone and I felt nauseated. I tried to walk past him but he secured my wrist in his tight grip and yanked me towards his chest.

Many dark memories resurfaced as I noticed the lust in his eyes. The same look that man had five years ago in his eyes. I began to hyperventilate; my throat felt too constricted to scream.

"Be my whore. I'll give you much more money than that King's brother.", His alcohol stench filled my nostrils.

"P.. please l...leave me." I stuttered, trying to move out of his hold but failing. My vision started to turn blurry.

He descended upon me and his lips touched my earlobe. A shiver of disgust ran through my body. Before he could move further, his body was pulled away from me.

I rubbed my eyes to clear my vision and looked at my savior who was hitting the man ruthlessly.


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