3| Ink and Smirks

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Thank god for dad's driving skills because if he didn't have them our headbanging would have ended with one of us in hospital. But who can help it when it's Bohemian Rhapsody. You just gotta do the head banging. Sitting back and letting my brain relax after being through around my skull I looked out the window and notice we were heading to the 'bad' neighbourhood. Where there were known crimes and murders. The whole district was pretty much abandoned, excluding the few take away shops, a corner store and a rip off dollar store. Homeless people littered the streets worse than the litter itself, most just drunks who didn't want to face their wives after spending a night out. Passing a pub couples were making out outside, a dense fog of cigarette smoke clouding the doorway. "You ready?" Dad suddenly spoke up, pulling up beside a small shop which looked like a barbers. "Y-yeah," I sigh slightly, "just nervous."

"You'll be right," he patted my shoulder, "you're a tough girl." He stepped out of the car, the sound of poor Tarmac crunching under his feet. I follow, closing the door. I stare at the shop from the outside, neon lights glowing, illuminating the word 'open' however the 'p' didn't actually light up properly. The windows showed the inside, which looked like a barber store. Open foyer and decor. Nifty...

Stepping inside a bell chimed on the door, signalling our entrance. I look to my left, meeting my reflection on a long mirror, tattoo sketches filling the wall above it. Watching dad walk to the service counter I turn my head to the right, noticing two men sitting on a large black leather couch which had multiple rips in the material. The first had black hair and multiple piercings; several on his ears and one in the middle of his plump bottom lip. His arms were covered in tattoo sleeves, one side a large dragon-like creature curling around his arm from the forearm to the bicep, disappearing into his shirt sleeve. He held a cigarette between his fingers, bringing it to his lips and inhaling. The second had light brown hair and had a black face mask under his chin. He too had many many tattoos however the most interesting was a broken pocket watch on his shoulder. Why a watch? I thought, staring a little. "Y/n," I heard my father's voice calling for me. I look up and notice him looking at me. Glancing back at the men I notice the second, with the mask, smirk and wink. I walk up to my father, hiding a blush, slightly intimidated by the attractive man's gestures.

"So you're Y/n?" the man behind the counter asked.

"Yes," I answer.

"You're eighteen?"

"Just turned,"

"What type of tattoo will you be getting today?"

"Just a word please, on my ankle,"

"Do you know what font you want it in?" he asks.

"Yes, I have it sketched out on some paper," I fish out a strip of paper from my pocket, handing it over. He opens it and looks over it nodding, "Taehyung will be with you in a second." He smiled.

"Thank you," I smile in return, his smile slightly contagious.

"Thanks Hoseok," my father speaks, "I'll wait out here okay dear?"

"Okay..?" I respond a little confused, mostly because he knew the man's name. But before I could second it another entered the foyer, "You needed me?"

"Yeah, we have a client," the man, Hoseok, told the other, who I assumed was Taehyung. Taehyung smiled at me, his mouth turning into a box, before beckoning me down the corridor to a room.

"Take a seat," he smiles, "is this your first tatt?"

"Y-yeah," I sit on the large seat in the middle of the room.

"What can I do for you today?"

"I'd like Tina written on my ankle please, with an infinity sign behind it, or under it. Whichever suits best," I state, holding the strip of paper out to him.

"Tina? Why not just get meth?" he asks.

"B-because it's my mother's name..." I reply, "I don't do drugs."

"Oh. Sorry," there were a few moments of awkward silence before he sat on a stool and pulled over a trolley with the inking tool, "let's get started then."


After a somewhat painful forty minutes he was finished. I smiled down at my ankle, so happy with the final result. "Thank you so much," I turn to Taehyung.

"No problem..?"

"Y/n, my name is Y/n,"

"Taehyung," he holds out his hand, "you might need a hand getting back to the foyer though." I take his hand and stand up, almost falling from the stinging in my ankle, "yeah, I might." With him holding my body up I limped slowly back towards the foyer. "Boss, since when did you go for girls younger than us?" I heard one voice say.

"Pardon?" I hear my father respond.

"You know, the girl, I didn't know you went for school girls. That's new for you, I thought you only stuck to the cheap girls or that chick in your office, right?" Another pipes in. I frown, realising what they're talking about.

"No no! She's my daughter not... no," he sighs. We enter the room again, "did I hear that right?" Taehyung asks, "Y/n is your daughter?"

"Yes, I just don't tell people about her because I don't want people hurting her," he looks at me with a 'don't ask' face.

"Lee, we didn't even know you had a wife!" A new man leant against the counter.

"She died..." I speak up, "when I was young." Again, awkward silence.

"Care to introduce us?" A man with snake bite piercing asks, "I don't know her name yet."

"It's Y/n. Y/n meet Yoongi, *guy with snake bites* Jin, *tall and blonde* Namjoon, *slightly scary but smart looking* Jimin *lip piercing dragon guy* and Jungkook. *flirtatious guy with mask* you already know Hoseok and Taehyung," my father spoke and I mentally took notes. But my thoughts began to linger. 'So his name is Jungkook..?' I glanced up at him, immediately meeting his smirk. It was as if he knew I was thinking about him and our brief encounter earlier. He knew.

I blush again and look down at my feet, looking back up at my father as if pleading to go. However, he too smirked at me. "W-what?" I protest.

"Got a little crush?" He held back laughter. I blush, yet again, and turn away, "leave me alone." Laughter erupts around me, from everyone including Jungkook. "Don't worry kitten," he laughs, "you're pretty cute yourself."

And with that I limped as fast as I could out of the parlour. 

For those reading as I update, please check out the description. It has been updated and I found a clip which pretty much sums up the plot for this story. So check it out!! If you've seen it just ignore this message 

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