Extremely red

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Eridan woke up on the beach, coughing. He looked over to see Karkat move over to put his hand under Eridan's head. Smiling, Eridan moved his eyes to meet Karkats.

"Hey." he breathed.

"Eridan, you idiot, why the hell did you come out of your hive?" Karkat asked, trying to keep an angry tine. A pinch of tender care was obvious in his voice, no matter what.

Eridan's smile widened. "I was hoping you'd come." He said, trying to speak normally. "I missed you."

Eridan watched Karkats eyes soften. "I missed you too," Karkat said quietly. He watched heat come to Karkats cheeks...a bright reddish color.

"Bright red." Eridan said, closing his eyes.

"W-what?!" Karkat stammered.

"A simple guess at your blood color."

Eridan felt Karkats hand tense behind his head. Eridan opened his eyes to see Karkat stating at him with a truly terrified expression.

"Don't worry. I won't tell anyone." Eridan said, raising his eyebrows slowly.

"Th-thanks..." Karkat said, looking away.

"Honestly, I think your blushing rosy face is adorable." Eridan closed his eyes again,beginning to let himself drift.

"I-I- what??" Karkat whispered. That was the last thing Eridan heard before he fell into a tired sleep.


Karkat watched as Eridan started falling asleep. He was blushing furiously at the comment Eridan had said about his blood.

Eridan, the high blood, didn't care at all that Karkat was low blood scum. Well, at least that's what Karkat thought he was. Karkat felt that he was a nothing, just a piece of trash because of his blood.

Karkat knew he couldn't just leave Eridan out here any longer. Karkat grabbed Eridan's cape and scarf. He had no idea what to do with them, so he just put them on to get them out of the way.

The cape fell around his feet, sitting slightly on the ground. The scarf was super long, and he had to wrap it around his neck a few extra times.

Carefully, Karkat used all the strength he had to lift Eridan from the ground. To his surprise, carrying Eridan wasn't that hard at all.

Karkat held Eridan with one hand under his knees and one on his back. One of Eridan's hands hung down.

Karkat began walking towards his hive, so he could lay Eridan down somewhere for him to get some sleep.


After about ten minutes of walking, Karkat reached his hive. He went straight to his room, and say Eridan on a chair. He took off the scarf and cape, laying them over Eridan.

Karkat looked at Eridan's innocent, sleeping form. He couldn't deny that Eridan looked like an adorable little bundle of cute.

Wait. What?

Karkat raised his eyebrows. He knew that he was feeling extremely red feelings for Eridan at this point. He ran a hand through his hair, turning to pace around his room.

He was no longer confused about his feelings. But he was confused on Eridan's. Eridan had said Karkats blush was adorable. That could have been something light hearted, but it also could've been a hint that Eridan had read feelings for Karkat.

Karkat knew what he felt.


But he thought more and more about Eridan's feelings. What was Eridan thinking?


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