163. 'Not Everyone Has the Same Time Zone'... again

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I've noticed on Wattpad that some users think that 'Everyone they talk to has the Same Time Zone as Them'! 😂 - which is not always True - cause Wattpad users may come from Different parts of the World! :) 🌏

*I once had a case when a new user I talked to told me 'Let's talk again in the evening' - so I asked 'And when is 'Evening' for You? 😆 ...  - & it turned out that in MY AFTERNOON! XD

🔷 And yesterday ( on August 22nd 2018 ) - I had another Funny case of That! :D

- a new follower messaged me in My Evening & asked 'are you awake?'

- I answered 'Yes, since 10 hours' 

- she asked me 'How? :D - It's just 11 AM!' :)

- I answered 'According to Your time zone - & it's 6 PM Here!' XD

*LOL ! ( 😆😆😆 )

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