Chapter 1

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Assalaamu alaikum readers
This chapter is dedicated to @TheQueenofDarkness

I had the whole plot of this story in mind since I first started reading wattpad stories but never dared to write it anyways this beautiful soul inspired me into writing this story just by reading her lovely book :


Check the book, read it and give me your opinions about it.

The guy up is my version of Sou'd


The wind blew mercilessly in the air indicating the dangerous atmosphere between the two men whose mere appearance sent a cold shiver in one's spine. Them walking together surely startled everyone who came across their way sending several questions in their brain. Grace, power, ability, strength and modesty oozed from their mere long and surprisingly quiet strides.

"Abooya?(Father)" came the young one's deep and hoarse voice."Naa'm weldy(yes child),"answered the older one. His voice serene yet powerful."I suppose you have a great issue to discuss about for you never take this long to speak unless it's of great matter." He finally stated what was running through his mind.

"You've guessed right habiby (loved one) as always,"said Abu Sou'd chuckling a bit clearly amazed by his son's smartness." What I'm going to say next has been disturbing my peace for a couple of weeks. Something so pure yet hard to deal with if you aren't careful enough." Those words played in Sou'd's mind trying hard to figure out what his dear father tried to deliver not knowing that he was allowing his mentor some few seconds to survey the bright face of his eldest son, Sou'd.

"What could this be Abooya (father)for it's hard to figure out your words...?" He came clean." I wish to know what has been disturbing you for quite a while as you say." Sou'd turned sideways to get a good glance at his dear father whose quietness made the air around them tight and uneasy.

He noticed the few wrickles that formed on his father's face due to ageing and the dark circles under those sharp eagle-like eyes were visible." He truly lacked sleep,"he thought.The silence grew wild and curiosity filled Sou'd's heart but he was well aware that his father was choosing the right words to utter.

"Ya Sou'd,your wife is a noble woman with a great personality,"began Mubarak, " Neither you nor anyone in the family has complained about her Ma sha Allah ever since she became a member of the family...but," Sou'd's heart skipped a beat at this word. His love for his wife was totally unconditional and the fact that he could barely predict what his father was about to say made it certain to him that it was no good. He was sure that it was something heavier than a mountain. Something that will shake him thoroughly and to his disappointment something that made him"hesitate".

" Habiby you are married to Shayma for two years who is about to deliver soon In sha Allah having in mind that she won't be able to bore you any other apart from the one she is due." He continued, " None is to be blamed since it's what Allah had already planned and his plans are always for the best." He stopped and looked at his son purposely interlocking with the eyes that resembled his before saying..." You need to get a second one. One that will borne you those that will carry your name and call you father. Those that will bring back life in your heart and ours not to forget Shayma's too."

Sou'd stared blankly into his father's eyes searching for any visible emotions but seemed to find none. Those eyes flatly stared back at his slightly confusing him. "Think wisely son. Wisely." With that Mubarak left taking greateous steps ahead leaving behind his eldest son whose cold heart was left confused.

The prince remained in his position for a while comprehending the conversation he just had with his father. Honestly his father was right, for a prince like Sou'd to be termed a king, having only one child seemed impossible since he had the ability to marry more than one and could take care of all his wives with ease. The thought of marrying apart from Shayma disgusted him he could not love any other woman except her for his love for her was unshakabley strong, pure and was known in the whole kingdom of Rimaal.

His kingdom.


All females gathered around the old woman who sat next to Ranaa (Umm Sou'd) talking and half-shouting, clearly enjoying their moments together as it always happened during Fridays in the royal family of Al-Omayri. Their laughter creating melodic sounds against the large walls of the now full females maylis. Occasionally a member would crack a joke about another on how she acts, talks, dresses or even how her face turns deep scarlet-for the shy ones-in front of her husband while the others would respond by laughing their hearts out creating a joyous environment between them. Perhaps this was what made them love one another and always stand up for each other.

"Ya banaty (my daughters), how could we forget the only charmer who is incredibly in love with her husband that she can't concentrate on the conversation we are having?"came a shaking soft sound from Zahra,the oldest lady in the family, as she gave Shayma a sweet warm smile that showed the bare gums in her mouth. Everyone including Shayma giggleg at her comment." Tislamy yadaty(be at peace grandmother),"Shayma called as a small smile teased he beautiful lips." My mind was distracted,I agree, but not because of my husband instead it's the blessing that was bestowed upon both me and Sou'd." At these remarks Shayma earned sheepish smiles from her in-laws as they all understood what she said.

"I hope it's a girl, boys are so bossy and would ruin the girl's life if they happen to be the older ones,"said Sou'd's youngest sister Nouf as she shot a glare to Sua'd, Sou'd's twin sister." Whether you believe it or not my Sou'd is the most kind man I've ever seen on earth,"came Sua'd's remark. Nouf gave a loud scoff directing it to her weak sister," What!! That isn't only my opinion, Shayma and Ummaya(mother) support me!!"she said defending herself. When Nouf wouldn't take her sharp eyes off Sua'd." Yadaty," she added a glint of fear in her big beautiful brown eyes,"Nouf will kill me one day, wallah this girl's eyes scare me. I often get nightmares when she glares at me after every fight!"Sua'd's voice came quite higher as she pointed her long slender finger at her twenty year old sister. " Okay calm down girls. As for you Nouf don't take Sua'd's sensitivity for granted." Ranaa warned." Your too young to scare a twenty seven year old with a child to an extent that she gets nightmares because of your intimidating eyes."she said stressing on the word 'intimidating' making all females giggle once more.

Evening reached enveloping the sky with a bright orange colour with some tinge of pink making the sky breathtakingly beautiful.The family members departed to their respective mansions neighboring the large castle from both it's wings forming a semi-circular shape. Large gardens that wouldn't allow one's eyes to look elsewhere decorated the place making it look peaceful and relaxing. Silent raffling of the date plant leaves cooled one's brain bringing calmness to one's self. This was were the Sheikh(prince) Sou'd stood next to his cousin Sheikh Yassir, eyes fixed ahead looking at the horizon watching his soldiers from a far at the training area,his hands clenched and neatly placed backwards,his legs few inches apart while some bit of his long black hair that reached the end of his neck blown by the silent wind under his head scarf that hid most of his facial features revealing only his deadly eyes.







I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. I tried hard to make it interesting so please appreciate my hardwork

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