Author Note

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Firstly, I apologise... unfortunately this is not the much delayed update - sorry. It's more than half completed but I'm honestly tempted to throw it away.    

So I'm not usually one to ask for comments, reviews etc, because I know the beauty of being a silent reader myself, but I want your opinions as readers for the sake of this piece so if you could take a minute to drop a line in reply, it will really help shape this story. That is if anyone is still interested in where it will go... it has been so long...

Ok, so my question is, quick and happy conclusion (might come out a bit contrived, so fair warning), quick, angsty and heartbreaking ending, or I keep going the original route with all my procrastination?... Let me know, or I'll assume all have moved on, which is perfectly reasonable - I know I've not updated in soooo long. 

Kash xx

Changed - RiKara FFWhere stories live. Discover now