Chapter 10

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I followed Asuka until we arrived in Hanzo Accademy. Or more exactly, the old building.

The same I ignored when I tried to find them.

I felt doumb.

Me:"If I think I was so close..."

Asuka:"It's not your fault. It's just to obvious to be considered."

We entered in the building and go upstair until she stopped in front of a panel.

Me:"Let me guess: a secret door."

Asuka:"That's right. Follow me."

She entered making it roll and I went after her. Then she proceeded to a door and opened it.

Hibari:"Asuka-chan! Welcome back!"


Katsuragi:"You finally returned."

Ikaruga:"And you're also a little late."

Kiriya:"Did something happen?"

Asuka:"Well, the fact is, I brought a guest."

On that cue, I entered in. Anyone had different reactions when they saw me.

Me:"Hey there. It's been a while. Glad to see you're fine Hibari."






Me:"What's wrong? I'm fine as you can see. There's no reason of-"

But before I could continue, Katsuragi went over me and hugged me.

Katsuragi:"I'm so sorry! If it wasn't for my behaviour, nothing of this would ever happened! And you wouldn't be reduced in that bloody mess! And...and-"

But I put my hands on her shoulder, and looked her in the eyes.

Me:"Like I already said, it's not your fault. To begin with, I'm the one who started and went for a fight. And then, you couldn't immagine they would have attacked me when I left you with Yagyu."

All the girls looked me concerned, with sadness in their eyes.

Me:"Besides, you can do something now."

Before I could explain, Katsuragi put her finger on my mouth and looked me with a weird smile.

Katsuragi:"Don't worry, I always pay my debt! I'll give you the best night you ever had!"

I noticed Ikaruga standing, but before she could do something I hit Katsuragi in the head.

Me:"I'm trying to be serious."

Katsuragi:"Why, what was I doing?"

I face-palmed, and then Kiriya finally talked.

Kiriya:"Before we continue, don't you think you should give us some answers? You already know about us, but what happened yesterday-"

Me:"It's something that worry you for the safety of your students, right? You saw the news, my transformation, and you want to be sure I'm not a danger, right?"

The girls looked me scared, probably remembering the fact I was a freak from an horror movie.

Kiriya:"Indeed. I said we would help you, and it's true, but I must think to my students first"

???:"You worry to much, Kiriya. You might scare the girls."

A voice shoved up behind Kiriya. He moved to left to reveal someone unexpected.

A Ghost Rider's Journey: The Begin (Ghost Rider Reader X Senran Kagura)Where stories live. Discover now