Perfect Life (Fabina)

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This is set during the Touchstone of Ra and it's what I wished it happened if Nina and Amber did come back, enjoy!
Nina P.O.V.

Hey, I'm Nina Martin, 17 years old almost 18 and I live in LA. My story begins almost 3 years ago when, in sophomore year, I attended a British Boarding School called Amun Boarding School in Liverpool. You see, when I got there I discovered that I am the chosen one and part of the bloodline of an ancient Egyptian priestess called Amneris and my life kinda got completely upside down. My life was at risk like a lot of times, I assembled an Egyptian cup, discovered the long lost Mask of Anubis and I figured that I have na Osirian, Eddie, whose job was protecting me which he actually did. In the summer before senior year, almost a year ago, I found out that the Osirian and Chosen One couldn't be together or really bad things would happen so I didn't return to the school and broke contact with all my British friends and that didn't go well either... a few months ago, most precisely at winter break, I went to New York with my Gran because the doctors wanted her to enter some sort of ALS fancy treatment, which turned out to be useless because unfortunately she past away five months ago. But back to New York, while I was there I bumped into my former best friend Amber Millington, turns out she left Anubis and went to a fashion school and since then we've been talking and quickly became best friends again and actually we're currently together on a plane. You're probably wonder what the hell are they doing in a plane so I'm going to explain that too, 3 weeks ago I started to have weird dreams about going back to Anubis House and be there for Eddie, at first I ignore them but a few nights ago Sarah appeared on one of those dreams and that was when I knew that something serious was going to happen soon enough so here we are, landing in Liverpool and heading towards our old school where our former schoolmates are supposed to be graduating and I really hope that they really are otherwise they would be probably in trouble. We arrive at the house we are greeted by our old housemother Trudy.

"Oh Nina, Amber! What are you doing here? I missed you both so much sweeties." She says while hugging us.

"We came to see the others graduate, are they in school already?" Ask my blonde best friend.

"Yes, the ceremony it's almost starting I was about to head there come with me."

We head to the school with her and we see, at distance, almost all of our friends but I don't see the Sibuna gang which is a huge trouble sign. Mara is currently receiving the valedictorian medal and that's when I see him... with his shining dark brown hair, his pale face and those insane blue eyes... oh how I missed him, his face, his kindness, his voice, his love... am I still in love with him? Maybe... He didn't saw me, thank God, he is arguing with Mr. Sweet, I wonder what about... I can't help but wandering if he miss me the same way I miss him but probably not, I bet that he hates, I must have hurt him so much, I broke up with him in a letter, I definitely would hate me...

"Fabian..." I see him going after Mara who seems like possessed and that's how I know that they are, in fact, in trouble.

I have this feeling in my gut that I should be somewhere so I get up and let my legs lead the way not knowing to where nor why but I just went along with it.

"We'll be right back Trudy" I hear Amber say and quickly follow me to wherever I am supposed to be. We arrive to some clearing with a weird pyramid in the middle of it and some also weird girl chanting something. We're hiding in the bushes and suddenly Eddie touches it turning the girl into stone and I don't know what came to me because next thing I know I'm screaming and running.

"EDDIE!" I keep screaming and I running to meet my apparently dead Osirian and kneel to one of his sides, Patricia, his girlfriend and one of my best friends, in front of me on the other side of him and mr. Sweet, his dad and the headmaster of the school by his head. In this moment I forgot everything else, all that matters it's the boy in front of me, we're spiritually connected and I was feeling a lot of pain inside of me.

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