Bare Truth.

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I saw all of my coven standing before me. All of them; from the Council members to each and everyone of my Coven members down to the fresh entrants of merely 10 years old. All of them staring deep into my now blackened soul and not with disgust and disdain and pure hatred but with the emotion that I had not at all in a million years expected of them. The emotion of Hope. I could not believe what was before me all I could do was look at them with my gaping mouth open like I was choking on nothing but plain air.

Inaya one of the Elder members of the Coven came ahead and said, "Lucy I know what you did, all of us do but we don't blame you for what happened because, firstly Magic and Power are two such things that can lead a person onto a dark path very quickly sometime took you a few centuries but it happens with everyone and secondly I am sure there must be a very strong reason behind it. We surely mourn for the death of our loved ones. But we also mourn for what has become of you, what you have done to yourself".

My breathing hitched and stuck in my now dry throat and till that moment I did not realise, that hot fat tears were rolling down my cheeks. That is when it hit me that my people loved me and put all of their faith in me even after what I did; I tried to put all of their lives and the people whom they love in jeopardy. I tried to kill a God. And not just another God; I tried to kill one of the 3 of the Firstborns that came out directly from the bowels of The Source. I tried to kill the Demon of Knowledge.

The Firstborn who had all the knowledge of the workings of the Source. Each and every bit of knowledge that occured since Source had the thought of making a race of living beings. They sure were immortals but everyone had a weakness and something that made them vulnerable and easy enough to kill. I just had to find that and, I had found just that. I wanted to kill her, because I knew once I do that; I will be able to absorb all her magic which what the most potent in existence and all of her knowledge which in turn would make me so strong and undefeatable. I knew that for killing an immortal such as one of the Firstborn you first needed them in the realm they were born; the Paradise realm. And you could only kill them with the Hum of the Source and the blood of the other two siblings The Demon of Creation and The Demon of Destruction. Both were impossible to procure. But I did manage to get my hands onto the blood of the 2 Firstborn siblings that too by doing some terrible things that could put all other crimes to shame. The I had a plan in motion to get to the Hum of The Source.

That is why I was being cast out; to be honest I knew that such a crime is literally unforgivable and punishable by a wipe out from existence and yet my gut told me to contact The Source. So I did and he told me that I shall attain my redemption only after dying but since I had not completly sinned and killed the Firstborn sibling of knowledge I still had a chance that I would be born again as a Mortal, that I will have to go through all the perils that I had gone through for 200 years straight to gain the status I had again if, I wanted my powers back and all this without a memory. Well more of the face that I get my memory back after 17 years of age.

  I came back from my thoughts and I fell onto the ground as if all life had been sucked out of me and started crying, more like bawling my eyes out, I cried like a hungry baby and all of my coven members just stared at me with the hope of something that I wished I knew but felt so ashamed that I could not even look right into their eyes.

Inaya came and sat beside me legs folded on the ground and everyone else followed and she softly said, "Lucy as much as we would like to know why did you take this step that could have resulted in the abrupt ending of the entire universe I am here; we all are here because, We want to help you and We do need your help". She said it with such gentleness and earnest emotion that I felt ashamed of myself, that I never had imagined to become the monster that I currently am.

I sobbed and truthfully said, "Inaya I have given up all hope I have nothing left in me to offer nothing that is useful. We both know that I am now a broken shell of what I once was. You of all people know it better than anyone. I am shattered by what I did and I don't deem myself worthy enough to face all of you people". A girl from the crowd just got up whom I recognised as Cara a 15 year old asian Witch and just said, "When I was a child my mother always used to sing me tales of the legendary Luciana. Why is it now that you are giving up of yourself; giving up on us. We love you, Mama".

A term of endearment some kids below 18 used to call me and some call me that now too. Cara said the truth and yet I couldn't bring myself to look into her eyes and say something. Yves, an old maid who had worked for us for past 50 years stood up from another corner and said, "Mama, we love you. No matter what, we need you to make the Coven back to what it was. We trust you and we still have faith in you please don't abandon us".

That was it. The breaking point for me I sobbed harder, when I knew that I desperately needed my people's help and support to achieve the goal of redemption and more than that they were ready to help me. Their expectant eyes wanted me to fight for myself, to not let what is happening let happen. They wanted to be a part of me that I never let them. So I did what I never thought I would.

The one way link that I had with my coven through which I shared my power I opened it. So whatever I did want to share I let it all flow, I could feel it like a hot stream of blood that flooded out of my head that somehow felt soothing and my mind that was numb for a very long time felt abuzz again with each and everyone who got connected to me. And now all of them could see what I had done, what I felt during that time period, whom had I hurt and I could see a range of emotions pass on their faces. From shock to anger to sympathy to pity to everything. They saw all what I had done.

A/N : Woah ! You guys 1308 words. Y'all need to celebrate. How is this chapter. Although it wasn't meant to be this heavy but here it is.

All truth is revealed. But the twist(s) are yet to come.

Please support me by liking this chapter. It really does motivate a newbie writer like me to make my chapters bigger and better. 

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