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"FIONA! GET YOUR BUTT DOWN HERE THIS INSTANT," Fiona's dad yelled. This was a normal day for Fiona. First she would get up to hear her dad yelling at her to get down and make breakfast, then she would have 5 minutes to get up and get ready. Next, she would have 30 minutes to herself after breakfast, meaning she would do all the chores around the house. Then she would do her homework for 25 minutes, and then more chores. Next she would fix up a lunch for everyone and herself, and she would get back to homework and chores. Then she would make dinner for everyone and get everyone's beds ready. Lastly, she would sleep and wait to repeat it.


"Fiona! GET DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW," Fiona's dad yelled, "WE'RE GOING TO GO OUT TO GET BREAKFAST TODAY, SO DON'T LEAVE. IF WE FIND OUT YOU LEFT, YOU WON'T GET ANY FOOD FOR A WHOLE WEEK!" Fiona got ready and came down the stairs. She wouldn't follow her father's order today because she's had enough. She had a plan to escape her own house. First she would write a note saying she went out to go get more food because they were almost out. Next, she would toss out most of their food and leave. She didn't know where she would go, but she knew that anywhere would be better than here. She had a dream that she would become a Huntress. Since she was six years old, she would just say that she was home-schooled first and that she persuaded her parents to finally let her go to school. Her mom would make her watch the house until midnight, so that meant that her mom taught her a couple basic fighting techniques.

Her family finally left and she went up to her room. She grabbed a piece of paper and wrote her note.

'I went out to get more food. We were almost out, so I thought I'd get more.                                            -Fiona'

 Fiona found out that she could leave if she had a reason to last year. She always left when she could, but she always came back. This time, she wouldn't come back. This time, she would leave for good.

Fiona went down to the kitchen and took out most of the food. She tossed it all into the woods where the wild animals would get it or it could just rot outside. She took all the bread, cereal, milk, and more things, and took them far into the woods and dumped it. Fiona went back inside and waited 10 minutes before she left. Whenever her family would go out without her, they would always take 30 minutes to 2 hours, so she had 10 minutes, at least, to get as far away as possible from this house.

Fiona was walking down the sidewalk. She's been walking for 20 minutes and she was tired. She felt like she could walk some more for awhile, so she did. She walked for 30 more minutes when she felt like she could pass out. She took a couple more steps and fell to the ground.

It was 12:34 and a goat Faunus lady sent her children outside to go play. When one of the children opened the door, they saw Fiona passed out on the sidewalk. One of the children ran over to Fiona and then picked her up while the other two helped. The children took Fiona to their mom and she told them to put Fiona in her room. The children took Fiona and put her on their mom's bed.

I was 2:48p.m. when Fiona woke up. She felt something soft underneath her, but she remembered that she passed out on the sidewalk. She looked around and saw that she was in someone's room and that she was on their bed. Fiona got up and opened the bedroom door. She went downstairs and saw a goat Faunus reading a book on a chair. "Oh, your awake. Let me call the others and then we can do introductions," She said. She called her three children down, "Frisk, Chara, Asriel! Can you come down here please," she yelled. Three six year olds came downstairs. One had a purple sweater with two yellow stripes on it, brown pants, and had brown hair. The second one had a green sweater with one yellow stripe on it, brown pants and brown hair. The last one had the same sweater as the second one and had white hair and small goat horns on his head. "Children, I'd like you all to introduce yourselves to our new guest. Would you like to start," The children's mom asked Fiona. "OK, well my name is Fiona Hunter," Fiona said.

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