Chapter 2: Meeting The Assassins

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Day Time

Y/N/Carnage POV

The scene shows Y/N, using the symbiote to make clothes for him, calmly walking down the streets of the Capital, home to wealthy people who use the poor as livestock. He was minding his own business, when he overheard a conversation between some boy, around Y/N's age and an Imperial Officer.

Officer: Oh, Tatsumi.

Tatsumi: Yeah?

Officer: You see the castle over there? That is the center of the entire Empire, it's where everything happens.

Tatsumi: Whoa! I've always wonder to see where the Emperor lives and makes decisions for the whole country!

The boy, Tatsumi, was astonished when he saw the massive walls surrounding the big castle in the middle. The Officer, on the other hand, was not so much thrilled, because he explained more about why the Empire is such bullshit.

Officer: Well, not exactly... *whispers* There is an Emperor, but he's only a child. Our land is plagued by corruption, it's the Minister who controls the Emperor from the shadows.

Finding out about this information was both amazing and disgusting. Killing the threat at the source of this will bring the whole thing down to it's knees, but finding out that some old ass-head is controlling a child, who doesn't know right from wrong, makes me want to slaughter an ENTIRE squad of soldiers.

Tatsumi: *out loud* Minister-       

Officer: (puts hand over Tatsumi's mouth) Do not let yourself be heard. (looks around) Those who oppose are beheaded. (lowers hand)

Tatsumi: (looks down, sad) So, he's the one that ordered all those heavy attacks on my village.

I notice Tatsumi, who has his face looking down, showing anger upon it. Guess I'm not the only one who wants to change this place for good.

Officer: The ENTIRE Capital knows. On top of that, we're dealing with this scum. (motions hand to the brick wall)

I look where he's pointing at, and on the wall, shows three wanted posters of two females, dubbed "Najenda and Akame", while the other one shows a man, dubbed "Bulat" Each of them was different, but the thing that caught my eye was that they all we're part of one group: Night Raid.

Tatsumi: Night Raid?

Officer: A band of assassins terrorizing the area. As the name implies, that tend to attack at night. High-Ranking officialese's and the Upper-Class make up most of their targets. It's only wise to be very cautious. 

Tatsumi: (attitude changes) Right!

Officer: But for the time being, (points behind Tatsumi) let's do something about that.

I look where the Officer is pointing, seeing two other Officers, struggling to care a massive present, while a little girl happily skips to the carriage.

Tatsumi: *shocked* WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO?!

With that said, I make my way into an alleyway, where no one would see me nor hear me. While I was deciding what to do, Carnage made a suggestion.

Carnage: (in mind) Are you gonna tag him?     

Y/N: (in mind) The hell your saying?

Carnage: (in mind) If we tag that boy, we can follow them to where the place is at. And if we're lucky, Night Raid would show up. *laughing*

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