Part 9

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Cold emotionlessly stared at his phone as he laid in bed. "Hm..." Cold stared blankly at his phone. Cold's phone buzzed making him turn his eyes towards the answer or decline button, seeing it was Loonie. Cold's eyes shifted towards the name making him sit up blushing, "Uhh!" Cold quickly cleared his throat, "Hello?" Cold says in a sexy voice. "Yeah... that'll work." Cold clicked the answer button, "HelLo?" Cold's voice cracked making Loonie laugh slightly on the other line. "Shoot." Cold quickly whispers to himself covering his red face. Cold once more cleared his throat, "Hello?" Cold finally says in a sexy voice, "Cold?" Loonie says in a sweet voice. "Yeah?" Cold lifts an eyebrow. "Can I come over?" Loonie asks bluntly. Cold's eyes shift towards the phone, "Okay!" Cold says a bit too excitedly. Loonie giggles a bit, "I'll be there in a bit~!" Loonie says smiling. "Okay, see you... baby." Cold says in a sexy voice then hanging up leaving Loonie blushing speechless. "That worked... I think." Cold says nervously. Loonie then looked at his phone blushing.

Time skip

Loonie knocks on the door making Cold look up, he then made his way down the stairs. Cold opened the door to see Loonie holding a basket that was concealed in bright colors that lit up Cold's eyes. "Uh, Loonie?" Cold set his hand on top of the basket pushing it down lightly to see Loonies adorable flustered face. "What's this?" Cold asks. "I uh... realized I'm not an amazing boyfriend like you." Loonie says blushing looking down. "What? Why would you think that?" Cold asks a tad bit ticked off. "You just... do a lot for me and, I... wish, I could be more of a top." Loonie says looking up at Cold. Cold blushed, "What does being a top have to do with being in a good relationship?!" Cold asks a bit held back. "You're just so cool, it's one of the reasons why you caught my eye. So... I feel like I'm not good enough, but I'm gonna be cooler and stronger! You'll see e3e." Loonie says confidently, "Oh really? Hm... okay, fine. We'll see." Cold says smiling, "Ooh! I need to go practice! Wanna co--. Wait, nuh uh, Imma do this myself like a grown up! >:D" Loonie shoved the basked into Cold's hands, confidently walking off. "What a cutie-pie." Cold says smiling walking back inside then closing the door behind him.

Loonie's first day of work out/hell~!

"Imma show him, there's nothing I can't do! Only things I haven't tried yet >:3" Loonie says to himself entering the gym. Loonie looks around at girls and guys working out, looks slightly painful. But! I can handle it >:3! Loonie walked over towards the weights, a girl walked up to the weights as well and grabbed a big set, Loonie looked at her carry is so easily. "Hm!" Loonie grabs it and instantly he was forced to the floor. "Ngh!" Loonie pulled as hard as possible but it barely budged. "Hm..." He then looked around a bit embarrassed. Thank goodness nobody saw him, "I got dis e3e" Loonie whispers to himself. "One... two... thre--" Loonie then felt the weight get extremely light, he looked up to see Cold picking it up with one hand. "Huh?! But h-how did y--" Cold was very close causing Loonie to jump. "No e3e" Loonie let go of the weight making Cold look at him walk over to the heavy lifting area. "He's dead." Cold says putting the weight back.

Cold then saw Loonie staring at large men and women lifting weights twice the size of them, "ONE! TWO! THREE!" A woman yelled as people watched her lift a huge weight, almost the size of refrigerators a man across from her did the same, possibly a trainer. "Uhh yeah, maybe we're not supposed to be back here." Cold says grabbing Loonies shoulder. "Nu, I can handle it." Loonie says walking in. "Oh my god." Cold says to himself leaning on the wall. Loonie walks up to the girl that just finished, "Hello? May I help you?" The woman asks as she wipes sweat off her head. "I wanna be as tough as you!" Loonie says joyful, "Aww, and what's your name sweetie?" She asks. "I'm, Loonie." Loonie says. "Okay... I don't think you're strong eno--" She then was interrupted. "No! I'm strong! Just like Cold!" Loonie says setting his hands on his hips. "Cold?" She asks causing Loonie to point towards Cold. "Hm... maybe you two should compete." She says shrugging signaling Cold to come over. Cold sighed then walked over. "Look Loonie I told y--" Cold then saw the lady setting the weights up. "What is she doing...?" Cold asks looking back at Loonie. "Kekeke ;3" Loonie smiled confidently at the thought of beating Cold in a weight lifting competition.

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