i got out?

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hello everyone hope your having an amazing day this next part is going to involve core frisk. its still in Genos POV and its going to also be very emotional Enjoy!

we walk out pf the void and i see someone a gray frisk. I've never met them or been to this place before i cant believe that i actually left the void. We walk up the the frisk and reaper says "hey frisk" that frisk looked at me sternly. I just put on a slight smile and they said "what is he doing out of the void" reaper looked uncomfortable "i um want to know if Geno could come out for a day and then come right back, i promise!

 Frisk sighed and said "fine one day but i must tell Geno something before you go ok" i walked up to that frisk and they said "don't let reaper touch you or you will die and not come back". i nodded and smiled at reaper telling him "lead the way" its almost like reaper knew he could not touch Geno outside of the void. 

I'm so excited to leave the void i leave waving to frisk. "BYE" i shout this is the first and probably last time i'll ever leave. I'm going to enjoy every little second of it. Reaper makes a portal and were off im way too excited. were near the end of the portal and i see FLOWERS its been so long sens ive seen one.

we get out of the portal and i walk over to the beautiful poppy flower that i see. Ive always loved flowers im so happy to see them. all of a sudden a goat lady walks up to us and i stand up. she says "hello im the goddess of life my name is Toriel nice to meet you" i reach out to shake her hand and say "hi nice to meet you too my names Geno"

Who is he!?(reaper x Geno fluff)Where stories live. Discover now