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HEY HEY HEY! /strikes a pose/

Ok, I actually wanted to write this for a long time there but I couldn't find the writing spirit within me until recently I went for one of my college classes and it involves writing thus I'm gonna write this story as much as I can and not leave it hanging and rot =^=)9 YOSH! Onwards to the story guys!

// WARNING: This may contain disturbing feeling or feeling triggered . Don't get too depressed on this ,ok?? I promise things will get better as it goes!!  //





Those feelings are running around her mind as her mother shouted in anger at the man, who she thought wouldn't go till this extent of his lies and shameless acts that it befalls on her own daughter. 

"How could you?! She's 16 and you did THAT to her!? "

She continued to scream while the man get on his knees,  asking for forgiveness while his own father stood there,  with a look of shame on his face after learning what his son had done.

Meanwhile, the girl, the mother's daughter just sat on the sofa, looking out of the apartment by the balcony as her tears streaming down but not a single sob escapes from her mouth. How much she just want to just..., jump down and be done with it.

The shouting continues to the point the man is bowing so low that his head is touching the ground as he continues to ask for forgiveness. 

" I even found some videos you stash away ! sick man..."

All the girl wanted to do right now is running out of the man's house yet her whole body is still as stone, unmoving from her position. She was offered a piece of tissue from the man's father as he is giving her the apologetic look before walking away.

She didn't realize she was shedding tears.

For a moment , she sympathizes the elderly man as he doesn't know what to say or deal with this situation. The moment was cut instantly when her mother stopped screaming but warns the man to stay away from her family.

" Let's go,"  she said.

The daughter stood up and walks to the door, she stopped for a moment and glanced at the man that had ruined her in many ways. Before the man could say a word, the girl left the house and went home with her mother, who is silent during the drive back home.

Her mind is processing how did it come to this .

'You raped my daughter!'

Those words rings in her mind over and over again.

As the mother and daughter got home, she was expecting the mother to inform the family on what had happened to her but the mother didn't mention it. But it was understandable since her grandmother is old and worried the grandmother couldn't accept this kind of horrifying news.

Thus the daughter expected another thing instead; comfort. A hug and sweet comforting words,  telling her that everything will be fine, be strong and she's not alone in this situation.

None of that happened.

The mother walks into the room while the daughter sat in the living room, pretending to join her grandmother watching some television show that she usually watches in the afternoon.

It was as if nothing happened.

It was as if everything is fine and normal.

'Maybe she needs some time to sort it out...yeah, that's why she didn't do anything yet.'

What a naive fool she was. 

Days turn to weeks. Weeks turn to months.

From that point, she understood one thing...,

She's not getting the comfort which she needed the most.

At this point , she asked herself this question,

'How come mother isn't doing anything?'

She had couple of nightmares after confronting the man. But, after she asked this question to herself...,

That's when the real hellish nightmare of hers begin.

A voice; so soft yet crystal clear, whispers in her head:

'It's your fault . You got yourself into this mess.'

Those words ended with a mocking laugh that echoes in her head as she grasp her head while the pain grew within her head and chest that slowly spread throughout her whole body , making her somewhat paralyzed.

She opens her mouth to scream but nothing, not a squeak is heard as she lays down on her bed with tears streaming down non-stop.

After what felt like eternity, her tears dried up, her body could move again but her heart, it's beating painfully as if getting stabbed at every heartbeat. She closes her swollen eyes before opening them with a tired look.

"It's my fault."

And that, she starts to lose herself from then on.


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