"You're A Mute?"

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Hi darlings, I promised a new chapter after 10 views so here you have it ^_^ Enjoy!

Park Joon's Point Of View:

I fell to my knees and started sobbing. I could hear people gossiping about me  

"It's that horrible idol!"I heard someone say. 

I glared at her, "Shut up! All of you shut up! I didn't do anything wrong! Get out of my face!" 

Everyone stared at me and many commented that I was crazy. 

I sat there, bawling and clutching my head in despair. My heart was aching, I can't live without Karen. She is my one and only love. 

I'll never fall in love again, I told myself. 

I couldn't breath properly, my lungs just could not take any breathe in. I hate myself.

People went off with their lives. 

I still sat there, unable to think. 

At this point, my life changed.

If only I didn't meet her. If only I listened to my mother 7 years ago. If only I didn't trust her. 

I felt a tap on my shoulder, but I ignored it. Nothing mattered to me now. 

That person then sat next to me and took out a piece of paper. She waved it in front of my face. I ignored her, again. 

"Not now. I'm not in the mood."

Another fangirl who just wanted my autograph. 

She didn't stop waving the paper and it was bothering me. 

'Maybe if I just sign the paper , she'll leave me alone?' I thought.

If only I could go back to this time and ignore her completely. If only. 

I looked up and saw the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. She had a round small face, big eyes, small lips and nose. Her hair was dyed brown and she was flawless. 

I took the paper she was holding and realised that she wrote some words on it. 

"Hi, I'm a mute and I know I shouldn't be bothering you now but if you need anyone to talk to, you can talk to me."It wrote. 

What's weird is that she did not use a pen to write. She already had what was written when she gave me the paper.

It was as if she prepared the paper.

"You're a mute?"I asked, looking straight into her eyes. 

She nodded and took out another piece of paper. 

"I am Kim Ara. I've been your fangirl ever since you debuted." it wrote. 

"Good evening, Kim Ara, I'm sorry but I don't really have the mood to talk to you now."I sighed and stood up but she stopped me. 

Ara pointed at a drink store near us. 

"You want me to have a drink with you?" I figured it out. 

She nodded. 

I can't be rude to reject my fangirl. After all, she might just be my last supporter. 

We strolled over to the drink store and Ara wrote on a paper that she will be treating me a drink as a cheer up treat. 

Of course, I accepted. 

Ara bought 2 cups of soda and handed me


I took it willingly and drank it. After a few sips, I started to feel dizzy. I felt as if I needed to sleep.

It must be all the crying and stress. I thought. 

"I'm sorry,Ara, but I'm feeling a little tired right now...I think I need to go back and..." 

Everything went pitch black. It felt like hours until I finally woke up.

"Where am I?" I looked around the room. It was luxurious, big and modern. 

Then the door swung open. It was the girl I met last night.

She walked over to me and smiled. 

Taking out her phone, she started typing a few words. 

'You passed out last night and I got my driver to drive you here. I am worried about you and why you passed out.' she typed. 

I looked around the room once again and got out of the king sized bed. 

"Thank you so much and sorry the trouble!"I immediately blurted out. 

Ara smiled again. I couldn't help but notice how innocent she is. I have never met anyone with a smile as beautiful as hers. 

Gentle and kind, she seemed like an angel to me. She meant no harm. 

"I'll leave now. So sorry about the trouble! I'll find a day to treat you a Thank You meal." I exclaimed. 

Ara led me out of the room into a big hallway. Then we walked down a few flight of stairs and entered a big living room. Her living room was about the size of my apartment, or even bigger. Pictures of men dressed in tuxedos and woman with gold necklaces were all over the walls. 

I saw Ara in one of the pictures with a woman and a man sitting in front of her. Her parents. 

I realised that Ara is a rich man's daughter.

Her garden is thrice the size of my apartment filled with flowers and ponds. A few man and women dressed neatly bowed to Ara when she walked past. 

She holds a really high position in this mansion. 

After a 10 minute walk across her garden, we finally reached the gate. I thanked Ara once more before taking my leave.

Walking back home, I tried to recall what happened last night. 

'I love you, Joon' were the last words I heard before passing out.


Sorry for my really bad English!

I hope you liked the story :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2014 ⏰

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