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♡by @nancy

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by @nancy.drew ,@A_andrews, @cherry.bombshell and 123 others
@jugheadjonesthe3rd: favourite book 📚


@Nancy.drew: my boy ♡ ♡ 
@jugheadjonesthe3rd: @ nancy.drew my girl ♡
@cherry.bombshell: @jugheadjonesthe3rd and @nancy.drew 🙄 PDA

@V.lodge: when are you gonna wash that hat 😂
@jugheadjonesthe3rd: @V.lodge never

@nancy.drew: @ethel_muggs back off he's mine
@ethel_muggs: @nancy.drew whatever 😑

@A_andrews: I gave you that book 🤣
@jugheadjonesthe3rd: @A_andrews I know, it's great

@A_andrews: I gave you that book 🤣@jugheadjonesthe3rd: @A_andrews I know, it's great

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by @jugheadjonesthe3rd, @V.lodge, toni__topaz and 200 others
@nancy drew: rivervixens 💙💛


@cherry.bombshell : rivervixens forever my dear cousin
@nancy.drew: @cherrybombshell

@V.lodge: ♡♡

@toni__topaz: my girls

@josiemcoy__: guys do you have any spare Pom poms 😂 I've lost mine
@cherry.bombshell: @josiemcoy I have spares dw

@jugheadjonesthe3rd: I'm guessing your the one in the middle by the perfect ponytail ♡♡♡

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