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February 28

I woke up by the alarm clock. I should do it now.
I did my morning routine and go down the stairs.

I saw her, at my secret garden, where I keep what I treasure.

I saw her looking at herself.
She's looking at the flower.
That special flower.

It's the time.

I inhaled and walk to her.

"Goodmorning Mina."


"Do you really want to go?"

"Ofcourse Joshua, I can't stay here forever. I'm dead."


"It's okay. I already accepted it. That fate you always tell me."


"Don't worry about me. I'm always here. Watching you guys."


"Please let me go."


"Wait? Are you c-crying? S-stop crying Joshua. You're making me cry t-too.."


My tears fall.

I'm crying.

"I can't."


"Remember the day you die? It was all my fault. If I didn't let you go to that garden, alone. If I didn't planned to surprise you for our friendsarry. If I didn't planned to confess to you that day. If I only knew, you're receiving death threats. If I only protected you. If I-"

"Stop Joshua."




"It's not your fault. I didn't told you that I was,
receiving death threats."

"But still, I'm the one who told you to go there."

"No, as you said before, it's fate."

"How about me? Can I go with you? Please.."

My eyes can't stop releasing water.

"Joshua, you're still young. You still have plans in your life. Now please, let me go."

"I can't."

"What? Why?"

"Because I love you."

"You what?"

"I love you."

"You can't. I'm dead."

"But did you ever love me?"

"Ofcourse! We're bestfriends for a long time."

"No, not in that way."

"Please just let me go."

"Did you?"




"Yes. I love you Joshua. I still love you!"



"But we're not for each other. I know you'll find a girl better than me,

"You're different. I'll never find someone better than you and I won't. You'll remain in my heart. Wait for me. Wait for me there."

"Ofcourse. I'll wait for you Joshua."

It's time to let go.

"Goodbye Mina."

"Goodbye Joshu-"

And the flower died.
The Winter's Flower died.

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