Episode 7: On The Road (Part. 2)

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Underground Noobies Presents...CYPRESS: the anime (Season: 2)

Intro Music: Simple Plan - Last One Standing

Episode 7: On The Road (Part. 2)

The remaining team continued on, trying to make our way to the large floating ship. Adam was at the drivers seat, with me and Akemi. In the other truck, Principle Shiori was in the drivers seat, with Anthony, Angel and Yumi. During our pursuit, both trucks were hit, by an explosion, causing them to nearly flip over on their side. Both Adam and Shiori parked the trucks and jumped out.

Cypress: What was that?

Adam: I don't know know.

Out of nowhere, there was another explosion. And it was in eye sight. Luckily it wasn't near us...but we weren't safe. We tried looking around, trying to figure out where the explosions were coming from.

Akemi: Look, in the sky!

We all looked up and noticed that the ship was beginning to move. With Adam's sight, he noticed another shot heading towards them. We jumped out of the way, moving from the blast, hitting the ground.

Cypress: Akemi, are you alright?

Akemi: Yes...I'm fine.

Adam: Dammit, they're shooting cannons at us now?

Shiori: We won't come anywhere close to the ship, with those cannons focused on us.

Cypress: What what do we do now?

Anthony: I think it's our time to step in.

Me, Akemi, Adam and Shiori looked over to Anthony, as he pulled out his gun, loading it up.

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