Why did it happen 😩😩

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*Another day goes by *

Mike was in jail Nd James was in jail ‼️genesis had the money too bail mike out my Kayla ain't have no money .

Kayla : genesis can you please bail James out I never told him 🙊

Genesis : Kayla I though yuu was big baller and uh never tell him what ?

Kayla : that .....

Genesis :that your what

Kayla: that I'm pregnant

Genesis: how you get pregnant

Kayla : me and James was fucking in the car he told me he would kill me if we didn't .

Genesis : I warned you not to date him !

Kayla : i should of listened *starts to cry 😢 *

Genesis : I'll bail him out for you even tho you did me wrong imma have a blessing 👌🏾

Kayla : thank you thank you so much 😊

Genesis : you welcome hunny !

*Mike and James are no longer in jail *

Mike and genesis are talking *

*Kayla and James are talking *

Kayla : James you remember that time we was in the car fucking

James : yes how the fuck could I forgot !

Kayla : well I'm

James : well your what

Kayla : well I'm pregnant 🤰🏽

James : so IDGAF about you or that baby

Kayla : how could you do that too me ! Ima need help taking care of that baby I'm only 15

James : you 15 dang I definitely got to leave 😘 all I wanted was your body not you shorty

Kayla ; omg fuck you

James : come by tomorrow 😏

Too be continued ....🤭🤭🤭

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2018 ⏰

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