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Yugi's POV

We finally made it home. But it is not night time yet. Man I want it to me night already. I'm not crazy. Well maybe a little bit. But I can't help it. Is now my life. But anyway we went to our rooms. So we can do our homework. Hey we maybe killers, but that does not mean we can't anything. Like work or homework. We can get good grades to. But it's 3:30. 4 hours still we can go out.

~ 2 hours later ~

" Aiko where are you." I heard Alakan call

" Wait never mind." Alakan yelled because she knows where Aiko is. Do we call it a weapon room or a killing room? There are weapons is there? There is also blood? I don't know what it is called. But I just walked where Alakan was going. To where Aiko is.

~ At the room ~

I'm at the room. I opened the door to see Aiko and Alakan. Aiko with a gun and Alakan a knife.

" What are you going you two?"

" I got bored. So I'm shoting some targets. And Alakan she is threwing knifes." Aiko said then she shot the target. Right in the middle.

" May I try. I'm also started to get bored."

" Sure, gun or knife?" Aiko asked me

" Gun pls." said I then Aiko threw the gun at me and I cought it. " Nice catch Yugi." Aiko said

" Aiko I have been catching knifes by the handle. I can also catch a gun."

" We all can catch knifes Yugi." Alakan said then pointed to Aiko who was threwing a knife in the air, then catching it

" Oh yeah, right." I said laughing then I heard a sound coming from behind me. Alakan and Aiko did not say anything. They knew what was coming. But did not tell me. So I moved to the right. And I felt wind go past me. Then I saw that Aiko got a knife. And not the one she was threwing in the air. " Nice John. Realy nice. Threwing a knife at me."

" Trying to see if you still got it little brother. And you do." John said and he was shocked. There was a knife right by his face on the wall. And there was very late wind. " Looks like you still don't got it John." Aiko said " hey no fair. That knife came out of no where."

" Your right. I used magic. Now knife or gun?" said Aiko

" Knife."

" Us that one behind you." Aiko said then went back to shoting. I then shot my target. Then John and Alakan started to threw there knifes.

~ 2 hour later again ~

We done of what we where doing. Then we want to our rooms to get changed. When we where done we went to the living room. We always wear black in the night.

 We always wear black in the night

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That is what Alakan wears. I just wear the normal clothes I always wear. But I wear longer sleeves.

 But I wear longer sleeves

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