I Miss us

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I got up and got a text from V saying
hi we still on for today ? x
ME - Yah of course what time ?
V- 2 ?
ME - Yah see you then
V- see you then
i then went in the shower and then got dressed as my phone rang ..
            Gorgous 🎩❤️✨
i then smiled and picked up the phone and said
"hey gorgous "
"hey babe , im starting to film later "
"good luck , you will smash it "
she laughed
"Thanks Z "
"Also when you get back next week i have something for you "
"Za...c you didnt have to "
i laughed
"well i love you too much ! "
i felt her happiness
"I love you too Zac "
  i grined
"i gotta go Daya , love you "
"love you bye "
I then went down stairs and made something to eat and then text V
so where shall we meet ?
V: My house do you know where that is 😂😂
ME: Yes i remember 😂
i then grabbed my jacket and put my shoes on and then got in the car.
I arrived at V's and all the memories came back to me ... I knocked on the door and she came to the door and smiled and said
"hey nice to see you "
we hugged and i said
"you too , shall we go "
We got in the car and i said
"where do you want to go ?"
Vanessa laughed and said
"erm starbucks ? "
i laughed and said
"sure "
We chated and then got to starbucks and we entered and orded our drinks and food and then sat down
"so how are you Zac .. with Zendaya "
"Good thanks hows you with austin ?"
"Ok but i dont really think our realtionship is working "
"oh "
there was silence ...
"Anyway i just want to let you know we are good and there is no 'beef' between us "
"Ok im glad we can just talk as friends "
V coughed and then our drinks and food came and V said
"I missed this "
i didnt say anything ...
*hour later *
After eating i said
"ill pay "
"no Zac ill pay it was my idea please .."
"ok "
Vanessa payed and then we walked to the car and she said
"i have really enjoyed this Zac thanks for coming i didnt know if you would come , it was just like old times "
I smiled and said
"ok well we better go before paparzzi "
V laughed and said
"Well im going to a meeting so ill just make my own way there but thanks , we will deffintly do this again sometime "
"yah see ya V"
Then Vanessa went to hug me and i felt the connection we had but i love Z and i am better off with Daya ...
"bye Zac "
We waved goodbye and i got in the car and went to my parents house ...
I finished filming and then went on instagram to see ....

I sighed as she they looked very happy ,i felt a tear drop down my cheek but i knew Zac wouldnt

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I sighed as she they looked very happy ,i felt a tear drop down my cheek but i knew Zac wouldnt ...
I knocked on my Parents door and my mum answerd the door and she said
"Hello Zac "
"Hello Mum can i come in "
"oh yes come in "
I sat down on the sofa and my mum said
"so how are you "
"im good thankyou , how are you "
"Well im ok im just overwealmed with all the love and support your getting !"
i smiled
"yes mum i know im so grateful "
"so do u wan..
"sorry mum i gotta get this "
I picked up the phone
"Hey Zac "
I smiled and knew it was Z
"Hey babe so what are you up to "
"Nothing much i just finished filming and it looked like you and Vanessa had a good time "
"Daya how di....
"Paparazzi "
Zac sighed and said quietly
"sh*t "
"yah ..."
"well it was ok but ..."
"but what "
"It made me realise about the old times"
"Zac .."
I sighed and said
"Zac i gotta go , bye "
I ended the call and my eyes started to water and i tried to keep it in but i couldnt ....
He misses V :(

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