twenty1 pilots

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Thank you for being here to discuss the twenty1 pilots album "blurry face" with me!
Like the fallout boy mani a album, I will rate this one from ew to 💜💜💜 and everything in between!

Let's start!

1) heavy dirty souls - I cant understand what Joey is saying, like, he's mumbling. It doesn't really matter anyway.
2) Turn back time - MY FAVORITE SONG ON BLUR FACE 💜💜 it means so much to my little emo heart
3) ride - very good!
4) fairly localized - very different than normal. I like the bass line
5) torn heart - I love it because he made it for me 💜💜
6) lanes boi - its so long. Meh.
7) the judges - ukulele
8) doubt - bouboubouboubou
9) polar ice - bowl of rice? Polar ice? The world may never know
10) don't believe the tv - yeah yeAH YEAH great song!
11) messages men - the sounds at the end scare me
12) hometown - a dark home town? Where are you, the moon? Bad.
13) not today - not today, not ever!
14) gone - thats a lot of screaming

Hope you had fun going through this album with me! See you next time!

~ Casey 💜

I thought I could progressively make them more emo, like, real emo.
What do you think?

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