Jeice X Reader | One Shot (The Shy Guy) / PART TWO!

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Quick YummyGhost (A-N)

I really recommend that you read this (A-N) before reading the actual story, only because this is a sequel will not make sense if you don't read the first part, which is in my published list. The cover of the first part is very similar, it just has some colour and size differences. It's very easy to find.
Also, this part two was suggested by AnaJef3. This person left a nice comment for me, and I was up for writing a sequel as I do take requests sometimes.

 This person left a nice comment for me, and I was up for writing a sequel as I do take requests sometimes

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So that's it for this (A-N) and I hope you enjoy this sequel. :)

Jeice's Pov.

I am stuck for words, the girl I have had a crush on for years is now my girlfriend, kissing me and in my arms basically. Never in all my life would I think to have such a stunning woman. I pulled away from the kiss and looked at (Y-N) in the eyes. They were beaming, shiny, bright and stood out that drew attention to her beauty.

End of Jeice's Pov.

"You're so pretty." Jeice exhaled with a nervous higher pitched voice. "Thanks." You smiled and got out of Jeice's bed. "Where are you going?" Jeice held his arms out. "Breakfast." You answered and headed for the door. "Ohh shit yeah." Jeice's also got up and went to get his Ginyu Force Uniform. "I'll meet you in the canteen." You told Jeice's as you quickly went to get your uniform on too.

Once Jeice had got changed, he left his room and locked it with his handprint on the scanning device.

"So how did your date go with, (Y-N)?" Burter popped up behind Jeice and made him jump. "DON'T do that." Jeice held his chest and turned around to his best friend. "So?" Burter asked again. "Very well." Jeice groaned. "Aww, don't be an ass. I know you hate mornings, but apparently they're serving decent food today." Burter shacked Jeice awake some more. "They never serve decent food, Burter." Jeice sighed and walked to the canteen with his very tall friend.

Most people had already got their food, sat down and finished, but it still didn't stop people like you and the Ginyu Force coming in last like you always did.

"Look Jeice your girlfriend is there." Ginyu tapped Jeice's shoulder in the back of the queue. "I know." Jeice yawned. "Woah, you actually go out with her?" Burter butted in and leaned down. "Err yeah, I mean no, no I don't go out with her. Look it's still early, ask me questions when I'm half way down my coffee." Jeice confused himself and eventually got an answer out. "Sure." Ginyu chuckled. "Excuse me a minute." Jeice puffed out some air and skipped the queue to talk to you.

"Hey, sweetie." Jeice came up behind you. "Hi. What do you want?" You smiled and picked up a drink. "When do you think is best to let people know about our relationship because those bastards Burter and Captain Ginyu are getting suspicious the pair of wankers." Jeice whispered into your ear and secretly put a hand on your hip. "When you're not an ass hole in the morning like your are being now." You turned around to Jeice with an answer. "Sorry, I know I said I'll stop that." You Jeice reminded himself.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2018 ⏰

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