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"Beep!beep!beep!bee-" I slammed my hand down onto my annoying alarm clock. I groaned. Monday. I checked the date and groaned again. March 7. My birthday. I've never been good with attention,and I knew I was going to get it from my parents. And even more attention from my two best friends, Leaven and Aubrey.

I should probably introduce myself. I'm Sarah. Im adopted. My parents found me on a beach wrapped in seaweed.Im sixteen today and I'm very fiery. I'm kind of tall for my age,I have short brown hair,I have brown eyes, I love brownies,but I hate the water. Leaven, one of my two best friends is tall,like me,has long blond curly hair,that I've always been jealous of,blue eyes, and freckles across her nose. She was a guy magnet and it annoyed me that she didn't realize it. Aubrey, my other best friend was short,skinny, and very shy,but once you got to know her,she went crazy. She always had her nose in a book, she had strawberry blond,shoulder length hair. We met in eighth grade and have been inseparable since.

I rolled out of bed and stumbled to my bathroom. I brushed the knots out of my hair and brushed my teeth. I applied makeup then got changed and somehow,made it downstairs without dying of exhaustion. "SURPRISE!" my parents shouted in my face holding a plate piled with pancakes and syrup. I stumbled backwards "Mom!Dad! I appreciate your enthusiasm,but it's seven in the morning! Way to early for any shouting to take place." I took the pancakes and sat down. My parents laughed. "happy birthday Sarah." my mother said sweetly. I scarfed down my pancakes and grabbed my backpack to head to the bus stop. But I stopped short. Sitting there in the driveway of my house was a mint green Toyota Prius with a big bow wrapped around it.I stood there for a moment, my eyes wide. I heard the jingling of keys. I turned around as my dad threw me the keys to my new car. "AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!" I screamed running around the car "MOM!DAD! I FREAKING LOVE YOU SO MUCH!" my mother and father laughed "I thought it was 'was too early for and shouting to take place'" said my father. "Well that was before I got a car!" I embraced them in a tight hug. " I guess it's safe to say that you like it!" exclaimed my mother " Yes I love it! Thank you! It exactly what I wanted!" I waved to my parents and got into my car. I turned on my Prius and almost giggled in delight as It rumbled to life. Turning on the radio, I backed out and drove to school. I mentally prepared myself for what my friends had I store for me.

I drove into the parking lot to find my friends waiting for me. I squealed as I got out. " Do you like it?" "I LOVE it." screamed Leaven. "It's gorgeous!" exclaimed Aubrey."But on what occasion would you parents just randomly get you a car? On a NORMAL day like this." asked Leaven obviously acting. I raised my eyebrows in amusement. " Well, I don't know!" I exclaimed playing along. " I suppose they just love me that much!" " Come on! Let's go to our locker or we will be late!" Exclaimed Aubrey " And I'd hate to ruin this NORMAL day!" Aubrey giggled. They kept this act up all day long. The last few classes I began to get jumpy. Afraid Leaven and Aubrey were going to jump out at me. After last period I saw Aubrey and Leaven hurrying Down the hallway " Hey Leaven! Aubrey! Do you-" I started but Leaven quickly cut me off "Cool! Gottegobye!" she grabbed Aubrey and ran down the hallway. Then jumped Into a car and it sped off. "Weirdos" I muttered under my breath." I walked to my car,turned it on and decided to go get coffee because I could! I drove home and walked in."SURPRISEEEEEEEE!!!!" exclaimed Mom,Dad,Aubrey, and Leaven. "I jumped back my eyes widening."Jeez! You scared me!" "That's the point!" squealed Leaven. " Happy birthday Sarah!" exclaimed Aubrey hugging me. I never have big huge birthday bashes. I invite two or three of my friends and my parents and we just play board games. I'm very competitive so every time I beat them in scrabble, or hearts, I'd scream, "HA! I WIN!AGAIN!" We played monopoly and had cake. Then, we opened presents. Aubrey gave me a simple heart necklace and sandals. Leaven gave me a zebra print hair dryer a new purse. "Thank you guys so much!" I exclaimed as they were leaving. "By Sarah! We'll have a girls night on Friday!" said Leaven. I waved goodbye and went upstairs to take a shower. I bounded up the stairs. Turned on the shower and waited for an appropriate temperature. I stepped in and soaked my hair down. I felt my legs stiffen up. I looked down in surprise. My legs grew scales then joined together, forming a tail. My hair grew longer and I fell onto the shower floor with a loud thump. I stared in horror. I had small,shimmering scales scattering my hands. My fingernails were silver. I dragged my self out of the shower and pulled myself onto the bathroom counter. my face, too had shimmering scales scattered down my neck. My hair had grown long, and purple. My the irises in my eyes were silver and my legs weren't legs anymore. I had a tail. It was silvery purple. I stared in horror,my mouth gaping. I stared like this for a couple more minuets. My tail dried out then my legs returned. I ran back into the shower and watched my tail return. I dragged my self back out of the shower and dried of my tail watching my tail transform to legs. I repeated this several more times before coming to a conclusion: Dragging yourself in and out of a shower hurts.

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