Chapter 1

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     Students of all different shapes,sizes and species filled the hallways of Hocus High, A school for many different magical creatures. Foop was standing idly in the hall just in front of his locker looking through his phone. Suddenly he was shoved from where he stood almost completely falling over. He jerked his head up angrily to see who it was who so rudely shoved past him in such a rush. Before he could yell his glare faded as he saw the boy who shoved him was Sammy Sweetsparkle, He was hurrying by everyone in the hall to catch up with the rest of 'the cool bad kids'. As Foop labeled them as. Foop was apart of the provoking edgy goth kids, As he frequently met up with them in front of the school for a cigarette and a chat.

     Foop hardly talked to Sammy anymore because of his status, He was on the football team and was best friends with Poof. Foop and Poof after the years of Foop apologizing for his hateful behaviour towards Poof and Poof's forgiveness they still remained still friends. Not close but distant,they said hi to eachother in the hallways. How Foop still envied Poof, for all the love and attention he still gets compared to Foop. He was captain of the football team and a proper preppy student. Foop admired Sammy as he finally made his way up to his friends high-fiving one and smiling, His perfect smile Foop thought to himself. He admits in his mind he's every little bit in love with him. Ever since middle school he's developed this secret crush for Sammy. He just finds the ultimate obstacle is actually talking to him. Sammy has no problem talking to Foop when he can, Usually ending with Foop trailing off not knowing what to say.

     The bell rang and took Foop out of his state of thought. 'Math Class' Foop thought, A class he found rather boring, But also a class he had with Sammy as well. He sighed and slowly walked to class not caring if he is late or not. 

   As Foop entered the classroom a few familiar faces were already seated at the cluster of desks, Eddie the Elf,Poof,Goldie Goldenglow,His friends Alucard the vampire and Scrap the werewolf and of course Sammy himself. Foop seated himself ready for another boring lesson on useless numbers, As future ruler of Anti Fairy world Foop didn't see why he even had to go to school. Though it gave him something to do he thought,it would be lonely around the castle.

  Foop aimed his attention to Sammy,who was sitting back in his chair feet on his desk without a care in the world, He's always been a bit of a bad boy~

    "FOOP!" A voice shouted angrily, Foop's head snapped forwards at the teacher who was standing there with random numbers on the board looking as if he was waiting for something.

"Well?,,,What is it Foop?"He asked. Foop quickly noticing he was asking for the answer, Foop not paying attention had no idea what he just was talking about.

""He stumbled to answer all eyes on him now in the class,including Sammy and Poof's.

"I dont know." He finally said quietly. After that he immediately heard a few snickers and a whisper from the silent class in mockery and or dissapproval.

The teacher squinted at Foop in dissapproval and went on to another student who started giving  the teacher the correct answer. Foop blocked that out again and just pulled his phone out and started playing on it.

He then felt a tap on his shoulder, Not knowing who it was he turned to see Sammy there beside him, Startled he almost gasped,

"Uh h-hey Sammy"Foop started as he whispered.

"Hey Foop,This class is boring,I dont know about you but i'm ignoring this too...Wanna ditch with me?"Sammy whispered back winking.

Foop pondered at that, Sammy has never asked this of him before, Excited that his crush actually asked to ditch with HIM and not one of his jock friends was an honor to Foop. 

He nodded to Sammy's question in agreement, With a wave of his wand he poofed up clone/decoys to sit at the desks they were in as Foop and Sammy poofed their way into the hall.

"So what do you wanna do first?"Sammy asked cooly.

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