•.• kidnapped •.•

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I sit in the back of a van with some hand cuffs around my wrists, I don't know why though...I don't remember anything before this! Suddenly the van bumps and jolts to a stop. I look up quickly to see the driver get out of the vehicle cautiously,the door at the back of the van bursts open to show a person standing there wearing a bird mask and a huge jacket and holding a huge gun "come on!" They say and grab my wrist and start pulling me towards a motorcycle. I get on still confused about what is happening as it starts to speed away from the van,after about half an hour of riding the motorcycle it stops in front of a old looking apartment building. The person gets off the bike and gestures for me to follow, I  slowly get off the motorcycle and follow. We walk into a room with a desk with a guy sitting behind it "card?" He says,the person pulls out a silver card and hands it to the guy, he scans it with a machine then hands it back "thank you"
"Come" the person says and starts walking up some stairs,I follow trying to look as calm as could. They stop climbing the stairs and walk onto a floor towards a old looking door "gentleman first" they say gesturing to the door,I step forward and open the door to see a surprisingly nice looking living room, it was definitely more colourful and cleaner then the rest of the building I've seen. I walk in and I hear them shut the door behind us, they point to a aqua couch. I seat down and watch as they sit in a wooden chair across from me,they take of the mask showing a face I thought I'd never see again!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2018 ⏰

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