back to business

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"Are you sure this is a good idea" , Kasey said to me.

"Bro, what happened to the girl that would have boys begging to get her phone number", I responded.

She blushed. "But I haven't been in the game in a while".

"Dude it's the same thing as texting a hot guy, only you'll see his face".

"Here's you stop ladies" the uber driver said.

" Thanks" I said as I paid the friendly giant for his troubles.

"You ready for this"? I said

"Ready as i'll ever be".

Before she got out of the car she took a deep breath. Then she got out like she owned the whole place. Flip of the hair, so far so good. Keep a cute face, great, great. And now all you have to do is go to the bar. Is it just me or is it that everytime something goes well, it just flops instantly. Thats exactly what happened when she tripped in her heels. But honestly I would've done the same thing.

As she was falling, a hottie caught her right in time.

"Sorry i'm just a little bit out of it today" kasey said blushing.

" I know what you mean" the stranger said.

Kasey did a little giggle, which made him laugh a little.

They both started to get up.

"I'm Jacob" , Kasey's soon to be husband said.

"Kasey" she replied.

"Hey do you want to get a drink? On me". Jacob said trying to get some more time talking to her.

" Ummm" , she looked at me. I raised two thumbs up with a big smile.

"I would love that"she said. "But I pay since you saved me back there".

" Fine by me" Jacob said with a smirk.

I decided that they didnt need a third wheel, since Kasey was back in her element. So I ditched the party. Since it was the weekend, I decided to try something new for once in my life, and went to jellybeans. the most awesome-est (yes, I know this isn't a word, but I'm making it a thing) place to just kick it.

"Ten bucks worth of coins and a pair of 9 1/2 skates" I asked the cashier at the counter.

"sure kid" he said as he slid them across the counter with the change right beside them.

I had a blast at the arcade. There was whack-a-mole, Fix-it-Felix, and of course, the SKATING RINK. I guess it was my lucky day because there wasn't anybody there today. Must've been a slow day. My dumbass kinda forgot I didn't know how to skate, and as a entered the rink, I slipped. Of course I slipped, what else was I expecting, to actually be able to walk? That beyond me at this point.

As any normal person would do, I decided to pull myself up on the bars with my life, and stay to the sides, until I trusted myself to skate. after a few attempts I got the hang of it. After my feet had a semi-idea of how to stand, I rolled to the middle of the rink. One of my favorite songs came on a few seconds later. I don't care how you feel, you can never go wrong with Boys will be bugs by Cavetown. There's no way I didn't look like a complete crackhead by the way I was swaying. It's nice to be able to vibe by yourself sometimes y'know? But as the saying goes, all good things must come to an end. I was so zoned out, that the only thing that brought me back was a very familiar voice. I looked back and to my surprise is was Tristan.

"Pair of skates please". He said so nicely.

My heart stopped. There's no way it can be Tristan right? he has a familiar voice, so what? Everybody has a somewhat similar voice. I need a visual reassurance. I have to do this smooth though. if I just turn around at a complete stranger, their gonna think I'm crazy.( I mean their not wrong...). Wait, no, I'm not turning around like some creep, they came to skate, so they can skate while I stay away.

I was still debating if I should turn or not when I heard him again, but this time it was way louder. I think this is why I just screamed and turned to fast.



just fucking put me out of my misery now please.

While I was still trying to process the amount of dignity I have left after this, Tristan was already up and offering me his hand.

"Nice running into you today" he said with a small chuckle.

I started to talk but no words came out.

" Umm ,you ok there"? Jesus, why is he so nice.

"You to" I finally said.

He looked at me confused.




" Oh fuck me" I said under my breath, but apparently not quiet enough.

He just started laughing, which caused me to laugh like a fucking goose.
I covered my mouth as soon as it came out... why does this only happen to me.

" I didn't know you knew how to skate"

Ok, gotta play it cool. if there's a small chance that I can redeem myself, I will take the chance.

"Funny thing about that is, that I infact, don't have a clue in what I'm doing".

"Could've fooled me"


"Hey, I'm really sorry about earlier. I didn't mean to make you tumble with me"

"It's ok, but you have to make it up to me with a dance". He said coming to a pause infront of me. My dumbass brain was rebooting when I stared to back up. I slipped, but luckily, he caught me. It's like time just stopped for a second where all I could see was his brown doll eyes. I couldn't help myself. I leaned in for a kiss. He let it happen then slipped away.

"I AM SO SORRY , its just your so nice and cute and polite and-". He cut me off with another kiss.

"Do you wanna get out of here" he said with a smirk.

"Ye-" my phone ringtone was booming. It was Kasey.

"oh crap" I whispered "give me one second"

I answered the phone.

"Hey dude" Kasey said.

I had to make it sound like I didn't just kissed my crush.

"Hi, my GuY"

"where are you" she asked sounding a little out of it.

"I'm just hanging around, why"

"well Jacob had to go, and left me his number. You ready to go?" she asked me like something was wrong.

I looked over to Tristan. He mouthed the words 'go ahead'.

I gave a huff and said sure wait at the entrance, be right there.

I hanged up before she could say anything else.

"I'm so sorry, I have to go, I left my friend at a bar and-"

He put a finger on my lips.

"you don't have to explain anything to me" He said with the warmest smile.

" Can at least make this up to you?"

" Yeah , go on a date with me"

"r-really?" Ok so this must be a dream.

" Yeah, give me your number" He handed me his phone.

I stumbled and accidentally snatched his phone. Entering my number, in 0.5 seconds.

He slowly took it back and chuckled. " I guess I'll see you later".

"definitely" I said as I skated to the front and collected my stuff. I ordered a Uber and picked up Kasey.

Today was kind of nice.

Hopefully tomorrow doesn't act up.


sorry for the spelling errors.

Happy Quarantini.

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