I doubt anyone's going to read this but I'm sorry. I've said to many times that I will update my books eventually but I've just screwed you over. I also screwed over anyone who wanted me to help them out but never followed through in the end. And for that I'm sorry. 2018 has so far been one of my worst years yet and I can't express how much of a mess it is at the moment. I've been in the middle of a family court case since January. My school is becoming more stressful than I thought. And my mother recently broke her ankel. And I've just been in a negative head space. I don't know how to feel and what to do, and I personally want to give up. To end it all. But I'm to much of a pussy to follow through on any of these dark thoughts. And for that I don't know if I should be thankful or not. I also don't know what to do with the nagging feeling that I have had a problem with my sexuality as well. And I'm just not ok. For those who are only reading this to find out if I'm going to update, I don't know. I might update now, tomorrow, a month, a year. I. Don't. Know. I might just put all my books on a hiatus until I feel like I can do this again. Till I don't feel like jumping off my roof. Till I can be better. I hope you understand and I hope I can get better.