🥀Abel: Confessions .1.

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Y/n= your name

It's 3.23 am and u still can't sleep !
Your on your phone texting with Lilith and just complaining about all the work your boss gave u yesterday!

Lilith 3:26 am: Okay I get it your boss is a pain in the back !

Y/n 3:29 am: Uhm yeah he is basically Satan he wants me to work with your annoying brother tomorrow till the next morning to prepare a party for the president!!

Lilith 3: 32 am: uhm Step Brother! And he isn't that bad! And btw ur planning a party 24/7 that isn't bad u can eat from the food xD !

Y/n 3:36 am : okay I guess that isn't that bad !

Lilith 3:39 am : okay I'm going to bed okay tomorrow I have a special Occasion!

Y/n 3:43 am : Yeah I need my sleep to bye ♥️!

........Next morning 5:30 am........

*Phone rings*

???: Hey are u coming?
Wait who is this and why are u Calling me? *Angry sleepy voice*

????: Gurll it's me Abel !!

Wait what Abel O.o !!! *Shocked*

Abel: yes are u coming to work or not I'm waiting!!

It's *looks at clock* 5:32 in the morning *Screams at the phone*

Abel: Yeah stupid Miss Denise said to come extra early bcs we need to be ready at 4 am on Wednesday !

And not later *gasp for air *

Abel: NO she said it with her fancy voice so she is serious!

Why did I end up in a fashion district *Slaps her head *

,........ 6:13 am .... Going to work....

Abel: YOUR LATE Y/N !!!

And what I need my peach Juice!
And I couldn't get any sleep

Abel : that sucks for u bcs tonight u can't sleep at all If we are not ready For Tomorrow denise will kill us ! *Angry tone*

Why are u always like this to me ! Ugh so annoying!! *Yells at Abel *

Abel: bcs other wise u will not listen!

I will ! *rolls eyes*

Abel: yeah of course anyway why are u always mad at me and find me annoying :D

Idk your just irritating!

Well okay so the donuts are already here!

Abel: Really u ordered donuts *disbelieving u just did something stupid*


Abel: Uhm I think the president would like it but his wife is a super model 😂

And I don't see the problem!

Abel;Did Lilith never tell u that Emily doesn't eat Donuts *Laughs*

Owh god I forgot damn it I hate my life!!

Anna: Hey guys how is it going?

Abel: She was being stupid 😂 she ordered donuts! *On the ground bcs it's so Stupid*

Anna: Owh god how!! Denise will fire u 😔

Plss don't I can still fix this !

Abel: Your cute when your mad or sad 😂 Look at you ! *smiles while laughing of disbelief*

Is that a Confessions *Looks at Abel with mad eyes *

Abel: No I'm just teasing you 😂 *Laughs*

Anna: well do your job better ! I'm going

Abel: So are we going to bring these donuts back !

Just don't talk to me!

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