🎥 Scenarios: If u would be sick

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Roxy:would write a song for u and sing it to you afterwards will make sure your healthy so checks on u every 5 minutes!

Jessy: would probably think about making a pill that will make u healthy very fast so you are not sick anymore instead of going to the drugs store :D

Noelle: Wouldn't care but bcs she loves you she will try her best to make u something even if that would mean call her mom and ask her to make he food !

Macy: probably bcs she is a chef she will cook you delicious food and plays some music in the background after u would joke around probably cuddling till the evening ;)

Salma:Treat you like a prince/Princess  and make u feel all loved and showering you with everything she has 3.3

Emma:Write a poem for u and Cuddles with you while it's raining outside and after that she will get some Tacos for the night ♥️

Emily: Probably prepare a healthy salad with some water and would say "Rest well so your all good tomorrow" would give u attention but wouldn't get close to u bcs she doesn't wanna get sick and she has a photoshoot tomorrow!

Lilith:think about what to do Probably Still make-out with you bcs she doesn't care and after u had woohoos she probably will call the pizza delivery bcs she is to tired to make dinner herself!

Faith: freak out Immediately ask what u have check how u are checking her medical back and treat u like the doctor she is :)

Charlie: Be there for u bcs she doesn't wanna be far away from you when your not feeling well ♥️

Ciara: wouldn't open the vets talk with you about everything ! Cuddle with you 💖 and treat u to dinner after your all healthy!

Carrie: probably give I vegan food and make u run bcs she would say it's healthy 😂 and then she would probably give you lots of attention and do fun things with you while your sick 👌

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