♡ Marco Reus

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Being in a relationship with a footballer was the type of situation I'd never imagine myself being in, but when I met Marco, everything changed.

I slowly sat up from the bed that I shared with my boyfriend of eight months; my eyes still adjusting to the bright light that was seeping through the curtains and filling the room. I shifted around quietly, trying not to wake Marco, but unfortunately, I had failed and was greeted with a murmured "good morning".

"Good morning to you too." I quietly said, turning to my boyfriend.

"Did you sleep well?" Marco questioned. I happily replied, smiling at the German.

Marco was the type of person that you couldn't have a full conversation with in the morning - I'd usually wait until we were both properly awake, so I was quite surprised as to how he was acting.

"I don't have training today. I was wondering if you wanted to do something?" Marco said, a small smile forming on his lips.

With Marco being a footballer, I didn't get to spend much time with him as he always had such a busy schedule. Training occurred at least five times a week on top of one match, so he was quite busy. I guess I haven't gotten used to being with such a busy man like him.

"I'd love to. What do you have in mind?" I replied, feeling rather excited.

"I'm not really sure. I should've thought about this in advance." Marco sighed. I could tell, especially by the tone of his voice, that he wanted to make today very special for both of us.

"It's fine, what about going out for lunch, or maybe dinner?" I suggested. It has been a while since Marco and I treated ourselves to a meal out. We had to be careful about where we'd go together as we still haven't made our relationship public yet.

"Good idea. Why don't we go out for dinner later? I've heard you rant on about that new restaurant that has opened nearby too many times now. Why don't we give it a try?" Marco chuckled. "If I book a table for the evening, we'll have the rest of the day to do whatever you want."

"Okay, I can't wait. I need to choose something to wear!" I replied, getting ready to get out of bed.

"Babe, it's too early for that. Stay here." Marco laughed, pulling me closer and locking me into a warm hug.

I stayed with him for a few minutes, embracing his warmth.


Many hours had passed, and I was now stressing about what to wear this evening. Who knew that picking an outfit could be so hard? I didn't want to wear anything too revealing, we were just going out for a meal after all.

Around forty-five minutes later I found a suitable dress to wear. It wasn't too revealing, and it was quite comfortable, too. I laid my outfit down on my side of the bed, getting everything that I needed out ready. I walked to hallway, opened the airing cupboard to collect some warm towels and decided to take a warm shower.

I walked to the spacious bathroom, setting my towels down over the radiator. I undressed myself and turned the shower on, waiting for the water to warm up. I let the warm water fall on me for a few minutes and started to lather my skin in some exfoliating shower gel. I thoroughly washed my hair, letting the conditioner soak into the tips of it. Once I rinsed the conditioner out of my hair, I turned the shower off, collected my towels and dried myself off.

"You took ages! What could you possibly have been doing in there?!" Marco laughed, and walked into the bathroom to have a shower himself.

I walked into the bedroom, got myself dressed and started to do my makeup. I was going for a subtle look, using natural colours. By this time, Marco had had a shower and was getting ready himself.

"You almost ready babe?" Marco called up the stairs.

"Yeah, I just need to collect my handbag. I'll be down in a minute." I called back. I took my phone off charge and placed it in my handbag. I swiftly walked downstairs and was greeted by a smart looking Marco.

"Finally, let's go!" Marco took my hand and walked me out to the car. His hands were warm and were significantly larger than mine. We both got into the car and Marco drove to the newly opened restaurant.

"Well, this is it." Marco said, driving up to the restaurant. "It looks quite fancy."

Marco and I both left the car and walked side by side up to the restaurant. We were greeted by a nice, young waitress, who guided us to our table. We had, by far, the nicest table in the whole restaurant. We had the best view of the foliage outside, and the beaming sunset. It was quite romantic. The waitress handed us two menus and walked off.

After a while of skimming through the menu to try and find something that we'd like, Marco and I ordered our food and some drinks. The food arrived at our tables sooner than we thought. Our dishes were very well presented, with my side salad carefully placed in a magnificent way.

"That was very nice, I really enjoyed that." I thanked Marco for the lovely food and sweet company.

"No problem. I'm glad we got to spend the day together. It's such a shame that we don't get to do this as often as we should." Marco replied.

"I know, at least we still have each other no matter what." I said. "I really do love you, Marco."

"I love you too, babe. I'm very lucky to have someone like you in my life."

Marco hollered for the bill and paid. I tipped the waitress for such a lovely service. I wonder if she knew that she had just served Marco?

Marco and I walked back to the car together, our fingers interlaced.

"Thanks again for such a lovely night." I thanked my boyfriend once again.

"Anything for you, my love."

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