Chapter 10

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A/N: Okay. So... it's long to make up for allllllll of the short ones. I think that you might enjoy this chapter unless you are one of those few readers who still have issues seeing Lauren with Adrianne romantically. :P

We see a bit more of the push and pull in this chapter as well as some ways they adapt to it. We see Lauren attempting to open up while Adrianne attempts to find the balance between what she needs in a relationship and what Lauren is willing to give at this time. And then... sexytimes.

Oh, the final bit of information. Camila will start to play a much more prominent role in the story from this point on. Most of what we will cover will deal with her. There will still be some strictly Adrianne/Lauren moments, but the clips of their life we are really interested in showing deal with Camila.

So, now that the ramble is over. Thank you, everyone, who is reading this. I have new people joining up every day still which is really exciting. I'm glad you've come around to the dark side. And especially thank you to those of you who leave likes and comments or send me messages. You are awesome. Thank you and enjoy!


"Lauren?" Adrianne called out over their dinner table but Lauren's stare never broke from it's fixed location across the restaurant. "Lauren? Babe?" Adrianne snapped her fingers and the raven-haired tilted her head towards her but still didn't pull her eyes away to meet her girlfriend's.


"What are you staring at?"


Adrianne cleared her throat, no longer amused in the slightest bit. "Look. You are at dinner with me. So either contributes to the conversation or even just pretend to be interested in anything that I am doing or saying, otherwise your ass can finish the meal by yourself."

Lauren slowly turned her attention back to her girlfriend, a little hurt by the harshness. "What's wrong with you?"

"You're ignoring me. I've been calling your name for five minutes now."

"I asked you what you wanted." Adrianne stared her down, not wanting to play Lauren's game right now. She had learned fairly quickly that to avoid certain things, all Lauren had to do was skirt around the topic long enough and Adrianne would get annoyed and move on. But Adrianne had learned quickly as well that the easiest way to combat this was with blunt honesty. Especially if it involved emotions.

"You know, every time you do this... it hurts me."

The raven-haired felt the sting of guilt and dropped her eyes to her plate. "I'm sorry. I don't mean to hurt you. I just don't really want to talk about it tonight."

"You didn't want to talk about it last night either. Or the night before. Yet you continuously promise me that you will start letting me in. This relationship needs to go both ways if it's going to work. Right now I feel like I'm walking around in the pitch black with a flashlight trying to stumble upon something that gives me some sort of understanding of the woman I am not only living with but apparently dating too."

"You can be so dramatic sometimes." Adrianne stared hard as Lauren poked the remainder of her meal with her fork, then she released her glass of wine and stood up, grabbing her jacket off the back of her chair to prepare to make good on her promise. "Adrianne," Lauren called in frustrated desperation. "I'm sorry. Okay. I'm sorry. Just... just sit down and let's talk."

"That's what I've been trying to do while you successfully shut me out every time." This had been going on for two weeks now. Adrianne had thought that there would be a bit more progress into the intimacy of their relationship after their latest development. Emotional as well as physically. But if anything, Lauren just seemed to be shutting her out more. She knew that she was getting into something deep when she fell for the raven-haired, but she was still expecting to be dealing with someone that functioned a bit more logically.

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