Princess Vicky showing off her ill gotten gains. Crazy Black girls!

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Lord Garth stood as still as a statue, grimly gazing down at the gathering of people perhaps fifty feet beneath him. The black, leather cloak he wore (with its over-sized, fur-lined hood), concealed his face completely had anyone (or anything) below happened to glance up in his direction and notice him.

All "they" would have seen is a distant figure, standing nearly in shadow upon the gold hued balcony which ran the entire circumference of Lavender Hall.

They may have even noticed (were they particularly perceptive and attuned to detail) that the figure they were watching stood approximately six feet tall. This they might have assumed because of the shiny silver staff the distant figure clearly held in their right hand.

A Ravenstick, it was called; and the relatively few who actually knew of Ravensticks, also knew they were forged from pure silver, and knew that each of them was designed with the head of an actual raven attached somehow to the very top of it.

From the floor, to the very top of the silver raven's head, was always precisely seven feet. Therefore, judging by where the cloaked figure's own head covered in its over sized hood stopped in correlation to the staff, one could easily gage that the figure stood nearly six-feet tall.

But there was nobody watching Lord Garth right now. Everyone was too busy staring up at the young, pale-skinned female who had just taken what she repeatedly called her "rightful place" on a throne that hadn't been sat upon in over twenty years.

QUEENS OF NEGRINIA: The Vicky Waldrip SagasWhere stories live. Discover now