The Start.

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Some call me 'the ghost' others prefer 'the devil'. I have a wide range of names but I like to call myself 'THE HIDDEN'

The name gifted by my mother. The one person in my life. Who even then was taken away, Snatched from me. It was like god was testing me. Testing me through extreme hardship. But I was not prepared to fail.

My mum brought me up on her own. My father died shortly after I was born she told me. And so it was only us two against the whole world. My mother and I were supposed to be a secret. If we were to stay alive no one could know about us. So we became a secret unity. The both of us like a destructive bomb. Which would detonate if discovered.

I was only 3 when I was told my life was at stake and If wanted to stay alive I'd have to stay hidden. I should've been outside, playing with toy cars but instead I was lurking in the shadows of a basement trying to survive. My home: a dark and damp basement of a dilapidated 3 floor building. Even though u wouldn't really be able to call it a home, it was and it was MY HOME.

"You're my hidden gift" she used to say.

Used to... see the past reference showing her being no more. No longer in existence. Removed from this world without a single memory. Without a single mark left behind. Except one: 'her hidden gift', ME.

I was only 5 when they came. I didn't know who they were at the time. But my mum had told me there was going to be a time when I'd be alone in this cold hearted world. No one would give a damn about whether I was dead or alive. I'd have to fend for myself if I wanted to survive. Survive in a world not meant for me.

And that time came like a bullet, Sharp and painful. Fresh like it came recently: We were on the first floor at 10pm and my head was resting on my mums lap. When it all began...

First came the footsteps. So we both ran towards the door which led stairs unto the basement. My mum told me this was our emergency hideout. I was too young to understand what was happening and this wasn't the time for questions. Bang! the door slammed shut. It was too dark to see anything. 'MUM!' I yelled In which she replied 'I'm right behind you', crying slightly. I carried on to the basement hoping we would both make it through this nightmare. Next followed the incessant firing of a machine gun which made hearing anything else, even rational thought, impossible. I fell to the ground, my hand hitting the cold stone. The cannon fired with a sound that was felt more that heard, shaking my diaphragm and squeezing my guts, yet I still crawled forward. The shots kept coming for some time. Then Silence. I dared move an inch.

"No chance anyone could've survive that pal" chuffed a deep voice. Then the footsteps left.

'Mum we made it' I rejoiced in happiness. No reply.

'MUM!' Still nothing... I retraced my steps and pushed against the door. Right ahead of me lay my mum covered in crimson red blood.

"MUM" I sobbed, tears rolling down my face. Making their way through the dirt.

"PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME!" But it was too late. She had risked her life for me. Now she was gone. From that moment
I swore REVENGE...

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